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- IUCAT is one way for individuals to locate FOIA annual reports for specific agencies. The best strategy to locate documents is to search for “FOIA” and “report” and include the name of the agency you would like to gain records from.
- IUCAT conveniently offers links to electronic versions of the reports either through subscription databases or through agency websites.
- The materials related to FOIA reports are mainly available in electronic format. There are books and articles on FOIA-related topics, but no print sources available for full FOIA annual reports by agencies.
- WorldCat , similar to IUCAT, has records of FOIA annual reports by libraries that have electronic copies or simply links to agency websites. There are, however, a limited number of libraries that do have print resources.
- Some law schools and university libraries have a handful of FOIA annual reports from the 1970’s. One example is a publication by the Department of Justice that details activities regarding FOIA (OCLC No. 175030091).
- The Library of Congress has a tremendous amount of online material available through WorldCat.