For more detailed information about a specific research topic, locate recent law review articles by searching a periodical index. Law review articles will provide in-depth analysis and more citations than encyclopedia articles to both primary and other secondary sources.
- LegalTrac: Provides indexing for more than 1400 titles including major law reviews, legal newspapers, bar association publications and international legal journals. Also includes law-related content from over 1000 business and general interest publications. Some articles are available in full text. Coverage is from 1980 -.
- Index to Legal Periodicals: Provides indexing for over 1025 titles, including approximately 300 law reviews from the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Coverage also includes bar association journals, university publications, yearbooks, institutes, and government publications. Some articles are available in full text. Coverage is from 1981 -. Also includes retrospective index, from 1908-1981.
- WestLaw, Lexis, and HeinOnline law journal libraries. Each of these full text databases has many articles related to international law. HeinOnline includes PDF versions of all indexed articles, and each journal title in the database goes back to volume one. HeinOnline also includes a Foreign and International Law Resources Database, which contains a large collection of international law yearbooks.