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Wencelas Joseph Wagner

Book Reviews

Wencelas Joseph Wagner

Professor of Law, 1962-1971

Book Review. Adamiyat, F., Bahrein Islands - A Legal and Diplomatic Study of the British-Iranian Controversy, 50 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 456 (1956). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Petrazycki, L., Law and Morality, 43 CORNELL LAW QUARTERLY 152 (1957). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Kabes, V. and Sergot, A., Blueprint of Deception: Character and Record of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, 33 NOTRE DAME LAWYER 311 (1958). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Clark, G. and Sohn, L. B., World Peace Through World Law, 7 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 619 (1958). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Schlesinger, R. B., Comparative Law: Cases, Text, Materials, 54 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 213 (1960). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. McClure, W., World Legal Order - Possible Contributions by the People of the United States, 6 NATURAL LAW FORUM 187 (1961). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Livre du Centenaire de la Société de Législation Comparée - Un Siècle de Droit Comparé en France (1869-1969), 18 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 858 (1970). [HeinOnline]