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Wencelas Joseph Wagner


Wencelas Joseph Wagner

Professor of Law, 1962-1971

Conspiracy in Civil Law Countries, 42 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY AND POLICE SCIENCE 171 (1951). [HeinOnline]

The Colonial Airlines Case: Treaties and Executive Agreements Relating to Aviation, 1952 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 211. [HeinOnline]

Is a Compulsory Adjudication of International Legal Disputes Possible?, 47 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 21 (1952). [HeinOnline]

The Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court, 2 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 111 (1952). [HeinOnline]

Codification of Law in Europe and the Codification Movement in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century in the United States, 2 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 335 (1953). [HeinOnline]

The New Constitution of Poland, 2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 59 (1953). [HeinOnline]

Treaties and Executive Agreements: Historical Development and Constitutional Interpretation, 4 CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 95 (1954). [HeinOnline]

Advisory Opinions in the Federal Judiciary - A Comparative Study, 27 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CITY LAW REVIEW 86 (1958). [HeinOnline]

Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Courts of Federal States, 34 NOTRE DAME LAWYER 21 (1958). [HeinOnline]

Federal Jurisdiction in Diversity and Related Cases, 8 CLEVELAND-MARSHALL LAW REVIEW 361 (1959). [HeinOnline]

The History and Role of a Supreme Court in a Federal System, 20 MONTANA LAW REVIEW 171 (1959). [HeinOnline]

Original Jurisdiction of National Supreme Courts, 33 ST. JOHN'S LAW REVIEW 217 (1959). [HeinOnline]

Political Questions in the Federal Judiciary - A Comparative Study, 32 TEMPLE LAW QUARTERLY 135 (1959). [HeinOnline]

La Theorie de L'Acte de Gouvernement D'Apres les Cours des Etats-Unis, 5 REVUE I.E.P. D'ALGER 197 (1960).

La Codificazione del Diritto in Europe e il Movemento per la Codificazione Negli Stati Uniti Alla Meta del Secolo Decimonono, 12 JUS, RIVISTA DI SCIENZE GIURIDICHE 519 (1961).

Teoria dell'Atto di Governo Secondo la Giurisprudinza Degli Stati Uniti, 12 JUS, RIVISTA DI SCIENZE GIURIDICHE 541 (1961).

The Interplay of Planned Economy and Traditional Contract Rules in Poland, 11 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 348 (1962). [HeinOnline]

Ordinamento Giuridico Mondiale e Diritto Nazionale, 13 JUS, RIVISTA DI SCIENZE GIURIDICHE 303 (1962).

Teaching of Comparative Law in the Course on the Law of Torts, 32 "AL QANOUN WAL IQTISAD," DROIT ET ECONOMIE POLITIQUE 1 (1962).

Developpement du "Droit a la Vie Privee" Aux Etats-Unis, 41 REVUE HISTORIQUE DE DROIT FRANCAIS ET ETRANGER (1963).

The Law of Contracts in Communist Countries (Russia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary), 7 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 292 (1963). [HeinOnline]

Some Problems of Revocation and Termination of Offers, 38 NOTRE DAME LAWYER 138 (1963). [HeinOnline]

The Victim's Fault in Wrongful Death Actions in French Law, 12 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 82 (1963). [HeinOnline]

Le "Droit a L'Intimite" Aux Etats-Unis, 17 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT COMPARE 365 (1965).

How and By Whom May An Offer be Accepted?, 11 VILLANOVA LAW REVIEW 95 (1965). [HeinOnline]

The Russian Judiciary Act of 1922 and Some Comments on the Administration of Justice in the Soviet Union, 41 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 420 (1966). [HeinOnline]

Team Work Planning of a Comparative Law Research Project, 17 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 349 (1968). [HeinOnline]

Aspectos Gerais Do Direito Contratual Polones, 12 REVISTA DA FACULDADE DE DIREITO DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANA 11 (1969).

Right to One's Own Likeness in French Law, 46 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1 (1970). [HeinOnline]

Development of the Theory of the Right to Privacy in France, 1971 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 45. [HeinOnline]