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Transitioning from Westlaw Classic to WestlawNext: Secondary Sources

This guide is designed to help you make the transition from Westlaw Classic to WestlawNext.

Secondary Source Tips

If you know the name of the specific secondary source you are looking for - type it into the main search bar, and the database should suggest it to you.

If you know the database identifier from Westlaw Classic - type it into the search bar (ex: JLR for Journals and Law Reviews), and WestlawNext will suggest the database to you for quick access.

Three ways to browse secondary sources:

  1. By Type - Under All Content, select Secondary Sources; By Type is the first grouping
  2. By State - All Content > Secondary Sources; By State is the second grouping
  3. By Topic - All Content > Secondary Sources; By Topic is the third grouping

Searching a Known Secondary Source

Westlaw Classic

Just as with cases and statutes, to search secondary sources in Classic, you would again select the type of secondary source you wanted to search, and run your search in the main search box. 


In WestlawNext, you can search all secondary sources by clicking on Secondary Sources in the All Content tab below the search bar.  From here you can search all secondary sources or choose a specific source, such as American Law Reports, to search instead.