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Michael Benjamin Warren Sinclair


Michael Benjamin Warren Sinclair

Assistant Professor of Law, 1981-1988


Fair Use, Old and New: The Betamax Case and its Forebears, 33 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 269 (1984). [HeinOnline]

Law and Language: The Role of Pragmatics in Statutory Interpretation, 46 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH LAW REVIEW 373 (1985). [HeinOnline]

Notes Toward a Formal Model of Common Law, 62 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 355 (1986). [HeinOnline]

The Semantics of Common Law Predicates, 61 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 373 (1986). [HeinOnline]

Seduction and the Myth of the Ideal Woman, 5 LAW & INEQUALITY 33 (1987). [HeinOnline]

The Use of Evolution Theory in Law, 64 UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT LAW REVIEW 451 (1987). [HeinOnline]