Access Professor Oliva's author profiles on the following services:
The “New” Drug War (with Taleed El-Sabawi), 110 VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW __ (forthcoming 2024). [SSRN]
Reforming Clinical Trial Pregnancy Exclusions, 15 CONLAWNOW __ (forthcoming 2024). [SSRN]
Expecting Medication Surveillance, 93 FORDHAM L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2024).
Challenging Disability Discrimination in the Clinical Use of PDMP Algorithms (with Elizabeth Pendo), 53 HASTINGS CTR. REP. __ (Jan./Feb. 2024).
Disability Discrimination by Clinical Algorithm (with Elizabeth Pendo), 103 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW __ (forthcoming 2024). [SSRN]
Hospital-Based Medical-Legal Partnerships for Complex Care Patients: Intersectionality and Ethics Considerations (with Megha Garg, Alice Lu, Marlene Martin & Sarah Hooper), 51 JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICAL ETHICS 764 (2023). [SSRN]
Warrantying Health Equity (with Heather Payne), 70 UCLA LAW REVIEW 1030 (2023). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Policing Pregnancy "Crimes" (with Valena Beety), 98 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW ONLINE 29 (2023). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Dosing Discrimination: Regulating PDMP Risk Scores, 110 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 47 (2022). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Pregnant Women and Opioid Use Disorder: The Legal Landscape for Controlling Women’s Reproductive Health (with Lynn M. Madden et al.), 48 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW & MEDICINE 209 (2022).
The Influence of White Exceptionalism on Drug War Discourse (with Taleed El-Sabawi), 93 TEMPLE LAW REVIEW 649 (2022). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Strengthening Systems of Care for People with or at risk for HIV, HCV, and Opioid Use Disorder: A Call for Enhanced Data Collection (with Anthony Eller et al.), 54 ANNALS OF MEDICINE 1714 (2022).
Public Health Surveillance in the Context of COVID-19, 18 INDIANA HEALTH LAW REVIEW 107 (2021). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Dosing Discrimination: Regulating PMDP Risk Scores, 5 BELMONT HEALTH LAW JOURNAL 63 (2021). [HeinOnline]
Prescription-Drug Policing: The Right to Health Information Privacy Pre- and Post-Carpenter, 69 DUKE LAW JOURNAL 775 (2020). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Policing Opioid Use Disorder in a Pandemic, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW ONLINE 90 (2020). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Representing Veterans, 73 SMU LAW REVIEW FORUM 103 (2020). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Regulating Bite Mark Evidence: Lesbian Vampires and Other Myths of Forensic Odontology (with Valena Beety), 94 WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW 1769 (2019). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Opioid Multidistrict Litigation Secrecy, 80 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 663 (2019). [HeinOnline]
Evidence on Fire (with Valena Beety), 97 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 483 (2019). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Son of Sam, Service-Connected Entitlements, and Disabled Veteran Prisoners, 25 GEORGE MASON LAW REVIEW 302 (2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Discovering Forensic Fraud (with Valena Beety), 112 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 121 (2017). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Book Chapters
Statistical Evidence, in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, 6th ed., 2024 Cum. Supp. (Paul C. Giannelli, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Andrea Roth & Valena Beety, eds.). LexisNexis, 2022.
Constitutional Issues Related to Scientific and Expert Evidence, in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, 6th ed., 2024 Cum. Supp. (Paul C. Giannelli, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Andrea Roth & Valena Beety, eds.). LexisNexis, 2022.
Genetic Markers Other Than DNA, in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, 6th ed., 2024 Cum. Supp. (Paul C. Giannelli, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Andrea Roth & Valena Beety, eds.). LexisNexis, 2022. [SSRN]
The DNA Genetic Marker, in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, 6th ed., 2024 Cum. Supp. (Paul C. Giannelli, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Andrea Roth & Valena Beety, eds.). LexisNexis, 2022. [SSRN]
Statistical Evidence, in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, 6th ed., 2023 Cum. Supp. (Paul C. Giannelli, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Andrea Roth & Valena Beety, eds.). LexisNexis, 2022. [SSRN]
Genetic Markers Other Than DNA, in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, 6th ed., 2023 Cum. Supp. (Paul C. Giannelli, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Andrea Roth & Valena Beety, eds.). LexisNexis, 2022. [SSRN]
The DNA Genetic Marker, in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, 6th ed., 2023 Cum. Supp. (Paul C. Giannelli, Edward J. Imwinkelried, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Andrea Roth & Valena Beety, eds.). LexisNexis, 2022. [SSRN]
Does v. Gillespie (with Melissa Ballengee Alexander), in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: HEALTH LAW REWRITTEN OPINIONS (Lindsay Wiley & Seema Mohapatra, eds.) (2022). [SSRN]
Surveillance, Privacy, and App Tracking, in COVID-19 POLICY PLAYBOOK II: LEGAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A SAFER, MORE EQUITABLE FUTURE (Scott Burris, Sarah de Guia, Lance Gable, Donna E. Levin, Wendy E. Parmet, & Nicholas P. Terry, eds.) (Mar. 2021). [SSRN]
Surveillance, Privacy, and App Tracking, in COVID-19 POLICY PLAYBOOK I: ASSESSING LEGAL RESPONSES TO COVID-19 (Scott Burris, Sarah de Guia, Lance Gable, Donna E. Levin, Wendy E. Parmet, & Nicholas P. Terry, eds.) (Aug. 2020). [SSRN]
The Price of the Black Dollar: Veteran Coal Miners and the Right to Health (with contributions from Jena Martin), in WHEN BUSINESS HARMS HUMAN RIGHTS: AFFECTED COMMUNITIES THAT ARE DYING TO BE HEARD (Karen Bravo, Jena Martin, & Tara Van Ho, eds.) (2020).
Book Reviews
Book Review. Coming Out of the Drug-Use Closet, Reviewing CARL L. HART, DRUG USE FOR GROWN-UPS: CHASING LIBERTY IN THE LAND OF FEAR, 2021 JOTWELL No.10, 1-2, (Oct. 2021). [HeinOnline]
Editorials & Commentaries
Q&A: Settlement Grants Immunity to Sackler Family from Opioid Lawsuits (with Emma Bascon), HEALIO (June 5, 2023).
Supreme Court Delivers Some Much-Needed Certainty to Controlled Substances Prescribing (with Kelly K. (Dineen) Gillespie & Taleed El-Sabawi), HEALTH AFFAIRS FOREFRONT (Nov. 1, 2022). [SSRN]
Time to ACT UP in the Wake of Dobbs (with Valena Beety), SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER (June 26, 2022).
Biden’s Covid Vaccine Mandate Plan is Constitutional, NBC NEWS (Sept. 14, 2021).
Lives Are at Stake in Atlantic City (with Rev. Dr. Leslie Harrison), THE NEW JERSEY STAR-LEDGER (June 14, 2021).
Vulnerable Populations in the Context of COVID-19: Forward to the Arizona State Law Journal Virtual Symposium (with Valena Beety), 2 ARIZONA STATE LAW JOURNAL ONLINE 69 (2020). [SSRN]
Class Update – COVID-19: Current Topics in Pandemic Law and Policy, SETON HALL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW CENTER FOR HEALTH & PHARMACEUTICAL LAW COVID-19 SERIES (June 15, 2020).
A Crisis Within a Crisis: People Addicted to Opioids Must Still Get Treatment During the Pandemic, THE NEW JERSEY STAR-LEDGER (May 11, 2020).
New Medicare Telemedicine Rules Responsive to COVID-19: A Primer for Providers and Patients, SETON HALL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW CENTER FOR HEALTH & PHARMACEUTICAL LAW COVID-19 SERIES (Apr. 8, 2020).
Foreword to the West Virginia Law Review Appalachian Justice Symposium: Essays on Appalachia, 120 WEST VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW 757 (2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]
Health Care, Lives Will be Affected by Supreme Court Choice, CHARLESTON GAZETTE-MAIL (Jul. 25, 2018).
Congress Reintroduces Legislation to Curb Antibiotic Resistant Organisms, HEALIO.COM (May 20, 2014).
Court Briefs and Other Statements
Ruan v. United States, C.A. No. 20-1410 (Dec. 23, 2021) (Amici Curiae Brief of Professors of Health Law and Policy in Support of Petitioner) (U.S. Supreme Court). [SSRN]
Ruan v. United States, C.A. No. 20-1410 (May 7, 2021) (Amici Curiae Brief of Professors of Health Law and Policy in Support of Petition for a Writ of Certiorari) (U.S. Supreme Court), certiorari granted (Nov. 5, 2021). [SSRN]
In re: Nat’l Prescription Opiate Litig., MDL No. 17-2804 (2019) (Amici Curiae Brief of American Medicine and Public Health Historians and the Organization of American Historians in Support of a Settlement Agreement Including Broad Transparency Provisions in the Interest of Future Research) (U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio). [SSRN]
Davison v. Randall, No. 17-2002 (2018) (Amici Curiae Brief of American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Virginia, ACLU of Maryland, ACLU of North Carolina, ACLU of South Carolina, and ACLU of West Virginia in Support of Plaintiff-Appellee) (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit).
Mathis v. McDonald, No. 16-677 (2016) (Amici Curiae Brief of Law School Veterans Clinics and Attorneys in Support of Petition for a Writ of Certiorari) (U.S. Supreme Court).
VFJ Ventures, Inc. v. Surtees, No. 08-916, 556 U.S. 1207 (2009) (Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of State of Delaware Bank Commissioner) (U.S. Supreme Court).
Maddrey v. Justice of the Peace Court 13, 956 A.2d 1204 (Del. 2008) (Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Respondent Justice of the Peace Court) (Delaware Supreme Court).
Bill of Health Blog -- Blog of the Harvard Law School Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics (About).
The Public Health Case Against Gas Appliances (with Heather Payne), (Mar. 10, 2023).
The Case Against American Public Health Exceptionalism, (Sept. 13, 2022).
Eliminating Barriers to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment (with Taleed El-Sabawi & Shelly Weizman), (Jan. 10, 2022).
Advancing a Public Health-Promoting National Opioid Policy (with Kelly K. Dineen), (Mar. 23, 2021).
More Opioid Litigation Shoes Dropping: Everywhere But Cleveland! (with Nicolas Terry), (May 22, 2019).
American Opioid Litigation: A Conversation with Professor Elizabeth Chamblee Burch, (May 13, 2019).
Recent Developments in Opioid Litigation: A Re-Cap, Visual Aid, and Summary of Outstanding Inquiries, (Apr. 8, 2019).
“Homecoming” to a History of Servicemember Experimentation, (Feb. 14, 2019).
Health Affairs Forefront -- The blog of Health Affairs, focused on commentary and analysis on health policy and issues affecting health and health care. (About)
Defending Syringe Services Programs (with Taleed El-Sabawi, Sonia Canzater, & Shelly Weizman), (Aug. 23, 2021). [SSRN]
Oxford Human Rights Hub -- Features contributions from academics, practitioners, and policy-makers worldwide, with a focus on understanding and protecting human rights and equality. (About)
Justice Kennedy on Health Care, (Oct. 15, 2018).
U.S. Senate Unveils Health Care Bill Designed to Dismantle the ACA, (Jun. 29, 2017).
How an ACA Repeal Would Devastate Appalachia, (Mar. 29, 2017).
Justice Scalia’s Repudiation of Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights, (Mar. 17, 2016).
The Conversation -- The Conversation: Academic rigor, journalistic flair "is a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good. We publish trustworthy and informative articles written by academic experts for the general public and edited by our team of journalists." (About)
Will States Have Time to React if the Supreme Court Rules Against the Government in ACA Case? (Jul. 24, 2015).
Working Papers
Reimagining Recovery, (working paper, posted Year). [SSRN]
Drug Crisis Therapeutics