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LAND USE CONTROLS (with Frank Horack, Jr.). St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1955.
CURRENT ORNITHOLOGY, VOL 13 (with E. D. Ketterson). New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1996.
CURRENT ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. 14. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1997.
CURRENT ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. 15. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1999.
CURRENT ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. 16. New York: Plenum Press, 2001.
Note. The Doctrine of Misuse of Patent, 23 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 157 (1948). [HeinOnline]
Franklin’s Gull: Concentration of Six Hundred in Central Indiana, 27 YEARBOOK OF THE INDIANA AUDUBON SOCIETY 38 (1949).
Three Hundred Loons in One Flock at Oaklandon Reservoir, 27 YEARBOOK OF THE INDIANA AUDUBON SOCIETY 30 (1949).
Hooded Warbler Parasitized by Cowbird, 29 INDIANA AUDUBON QUARTERLY 12 (1951).
Indiana: Birthplace of Migratory Divorce, 26 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 515 (1951). [HeinOnline]
Late Nesting of the Bob-White, 29 INDIANA AUDUBON QUARTERLY 12 (1951).
Unicameralism and the Indiana Constitutional Convention of 1850, 26 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 349 (1951). [HeinOnline]
White Rumped Sandpiper, Erolia fuscicollus, in Indiana, 29 INDIANA AUDUBON QUARTERLY 21 (1951).
Caleb Mills and the Indiana Free School Law, 49 INDIANA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY 81 (1953).
Notes on the Pine-woods Sparrow Near Bloomington, Indiana, 31 INDIANA AUDUBON QUARTERLY 26 (1953).
How Small a House?: Zoning for Minimum Space Requirements (with Frank E. Horack, Jr.), 67 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 967 (1954). [HeinOnline]
Invertebrate Nest Associates of the Northern Prairie Warbler, 72 AUK 55 (1955).
Spittle Insects as Food of Prairie Warblers, 73 AUK 557 (1956).
Anticipatory Food-Bringing in the Prairie Warbler, 75 AUK 263 (1958).
Blue Jay Sitting on Robin Nest in December, 60 CONDOR 405 (1958).
Singing By Female Indigo Bunting and Rufous-Sided Towhee, 70 WILSON BULLETIN 287 (1958).
Additional Invertebrate Nest Associates of the Prairie Warbler, 76 AUK 352 (1959).
Communal Roosting by the Eastern Bluebird in Winter (with Anita Frazier), 30 BIRDBANDING 219 (1959).
Pileated Woodpecker Attacks Pilot Black Snake at Tree Cavity, 71 WILSON BULLETIN 381 (1959).
Breeding Behavior of the Bell Vireo in Southern Indiana, 62 CONDOR 225 (1960).
Unusual Responses of a Prairie Warbler to Sunlight, 77 AUK 222 (1960).
Albino Field Sparrow Found (with R. Mumford), 39 INDIANA AUDUBON QUARTERLY 28 (1961).
A Method of Netting Birds at Open Nests in Trees, 78 AUK 643 (1961).
A Wren Singing Combined House and Carolina Wren Songs, 73 WILSON BULLETIN 83 (1961).
A Catbird Helper at a House Wren Nest (with R. Schneider), 74 WILSON BULLETIN 183 (1962).
Food Habits and Feeding Behavior of the White-Eyed Vireo (with David P. Wooldridge), 74 WILSON BULLETIN 68 (1962).
The Swaying Display of Red-Eyed and Other Vireos, 64 CONDOR 273 (1962).
Migrant Cape May Warbler Apparently Carrying Nest Material, 75 WILSON BULLETIN 460 (1963).
Reproductive Success of Birds in a Deciduous Scrub Habitat, 44 ECOLOGY 305 (1963).
An Analysis of Prairie Warblers Killed in Florida During Nocturnal Migration (with Russell E. Mumford), 67 CONDOR 322 (1965).
A Male Cardinal Helper at a Nest of Yellow-breasted Chats, 77 WILSON BULLETIN 196 (1965).
The Song Sparrow, 237 BULLETIN OF THE U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM 1491, 1968.
A Population Study of the Yellow-Breasted Chat (Icteria virens L.) in Southern Indiana (with C. Thompson), 43 ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 145 (1973).
Notes on Parental Behavior and Development of the Young in the Wood Thrush, 86 WILSON BULLETIN 144 (1974).
External Differences Between Newly Hatched Cuckoos (Coccyzus americanus and C. Erythropthalmus), 77 CONDOR 341 (1975).
Fidelity of Indigo Buntings Passerina cyanea to Sites Occupied in Previous Seasons (with M. Carey and C. Thompson), 74 EMU 289 (1975).
The Occurrence and Significance of Anomalous Reproductive Activities in Two North American Non-Parasitic Cuckoos (Coccyzus spp.) (with C. Thompson), 117 IBIS 496 (1975).
Polygyny in Indigo Buntings: A Hypothesis Tested (with M. Carey), 190 SCIENCE 1296 (1975).
Geographic Variations and Its Climatic Correlates in the Sex Ratio of Eastern-Wintering Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis hyemalis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 57 ECOLOGY 679 (1976).
Egg Volume As a Predictor of Hatchling Weight in the Brown-Headed Cowbird (with C. Thompson), 90 WILSON BULLETIN 353 (1978).
Overnight Weight Loss in Dark-eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 95 AUK 755 (1978).
Population Dynamics of Indigo Buntings and the Evolution of Avian Polygyny (with M. Carey), 33 EVOLUTION 1180 (1979).
Seasonal, Annual and Geographic Variation in Sex Ratio of Wintering Populations of Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 96 AUK 532 (1979).
The Role of Migration and Winter Mortality in the Life History of a Temperate-Zone Migrant, the Dark-Eyed Junco, as Determined from Demographic Analyses of Winter Populations (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 99 AUK 243 (1982).
An Analysis of Body Mass, Wing Length, and Visible Fat Deposits of Dark-eyed Juncos Wintering at Different Latitudes (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 95 WILSON BULLETIN 603 (1983).
Autumnal Zugunruhe and Migratory Fattening of Dark-eyed Juncos Apparently Suppressed by Detention at the Wintering Site (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 95 WILSON BULLETIN 628 (1983).
Behavior of Migratory Dark-eyed Juncos Following Release in the Winter Range During the Breeding Season (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 54 JOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY 387 (1983).
Offspring Sex Ratio in Red-winged Blackbirds Is Independent of Maternal Age (with James L. Blank), 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 6141 (1983).
Effect of Laparotomy on Tree Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos During Winter on Subsequent Survival in the Field 57 JOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY 239 (1986).
Imperfect Information and the Persistence of Pretenders: Male Prairie Warblers Contesting for Territory (with Rod Walton), 128 AMERICAN NATURALIST 427 (1986).
Long-Distance Homing by Nonmigratory Dark-eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson and Licia Wolf), 88 CONDOR 539 (1986).
Spring and Summer Confinement of Dark-eyed Juncos at Autumn Migratory Destination Suppresses Normal Autumn Behavior (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 35 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 1744 (1987).
Suppression of Autumnal Migratory Unrest in Dark-eyed Juncos Held During Summer In, Near, or Far From Their Previous Wintering Sites (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 104 AUK 303 (1987).
Can Experience Alter the Avian Annual Cycle?: Results of Migration Experiments with Indigo Buntings (with Paul D. Sniegowski and Ellen D. Ketterson), 79 ETHOLOGY 333 (1988).
Paternal Influence on Growth and Survival of Dark-Eyed Junco Young: Do Parental Males Benefit? (with Licia Wolf and Ellen D. Ketterson), 36 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 1601 (1988).
Does Dominance Determine How Far Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis) Migrate Into Their Winter Range? (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 37 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 498 (1989).
The Evolution of Clutch Size. I. An Equation for Predicting Clutch Size (with B. G. Murray), 43 EVOLUTION 1699 (1989).
Within-Season Breeding Dispersal in Prairie Warblers and Other Passerines (with Wendy Jackson and Sievert Rohwer), 91 CONDOR 233 (1989).
Behavioural Response of Female Dark-eyed Juncos to the Experimental Removal of Their Mates: Implications for the Evolution of Male Parental Care (with Licia Wolf and Ellen D. Ketterson), 39 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 125 (1990).
Effect of Long Days on Molt and Autumn Migratory State of Site-Faithful Dark-eyed Juncos Held at their Winter Sites (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 102 WILSON BULLETIN 469 (1990).
Effect of Prior Residence on Dominance Status of Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis) (with D. Cristol and E. D. Ketterson), 40 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 580 (1990).
Effect of Sex, Stage of Reproduction, Season, and Mate Removal on Prolactin in Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson et al.), 92 CONDOR 922 (1990).
Timing of Autumn Migration and Its Relation to Winter Distribution in Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 71 ECOLOGY 1267 (1990).
Experiments on Winter-site Attachment in Young Dark-eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 87 ETHOLOGY 123 (1991).
Female Condition and Delayed Benefits to Males That Provide Parental Care: A Removal Study (with Licia Wolf and Ellen D. Ketterson), 108 AUK 371 (1991).
Testosterone and Avian Life Histories: The Effects of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Corticosterone and Body Mass in Male Dark-eyed Junco (Junco Hyemalis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 25 HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 489 (1991).
Non-Breeding Season Attributes of Male Dark-Eyed Junco that Acquired Breeding Territories in Their First Year (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 2 ACTA XX CONGRESSUS INTERNATIONALIS ORNITHOLOGICI 1229 (1992).
Testosterone and Avian Life Histories: The Effects of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Behavior and Correlates of Fitness in the Dark-Eyed Junco (Junco Hyemalis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson, Licia Wolf and Charles Ziegenfus), 140 AMERICAN NATURALIST 980 (1992).
Testosterone and Avian Life Histories: Effects of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Prebasic Molt and Survival in Male Dark-eyed Juncos (with Ellen Ketterson et al.), 94 CONDOR 364 (1992).
Geographic Variation in Winter Fat of Dark-Eyed Juncos: Displacement to a Common Environment (with Christopher M. Rogers and Ellen D. Ketterson), 74 ECOLOGY 1183 (1993).
Plasma Corticosterone, Adrenal Mass, Winter Weather, and Season in Nonbreeding Populations of Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis hyemalis)(with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 110 AUK 279 (1993).
Effects of Testosterone on Spatial Activity in Free-Ranging Male Dark-Eyed Juncos, Junco hyemalis (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 47 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 1445 (1994).
Hormones and Life Histories: An Integrative Approach (with Ellen D. Ketterson) in BEHAVIORAL MECHANISMS IN EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY (Leslie A. Real, Ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Male Parental Behavior in Birds (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 25 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ECOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS 601 (1994).
Winter Fattening in the Dark-Eyed Junco: Plasticity and Possible Interaction with Migration Trade-Offs (with C. M. Rogers and Ellen D. Ketterson), 97 OECOLOGIA 526 (1994).
The Effects of Testosterone on Reproductive Success in the Dark-Eyed Junco (Junce hyemalis carolinensis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 6 POULTRY AND AVIAN BIOLOGY REVIEWS 286 (1995).
Spatial Aspects of Roost-Site Selection in Breeding Male Dark-Eyed Juncos (with C. Ray Chandler and Ellen D. Ketterson), 97 CONDOR 279 (1995).
Steroid Hormones in the Yolk of Red-Winged Blackbird Eggs (with J. Lipar and Ellen D. Ketterson), 6 POULTRY AND AVIAN BIOLOGY REVIEWS 329 (1995).
Epaulet Brightness and Physical Condition in Female Red-winged Blackbirds (with Torgeir S. Johnsen, et. al.), 113 AUK 356 (1996).
Phenotypic Engineering: Using Hormones to Explore the Mechanistic and Functional Bases of Phenotypic Variation in Nature (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 138 IBIS 70 (1996).
Effects of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Plasma Corticosterone and Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin in Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 108 GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY 141 (1997).
Effects of Testosterone on Use of Space in Free-Ranging Male Dark-Eyed Juncos When Their Mates are Fertile (with C. Ray Chandler and Ellen D. Ketterson), 54 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 543 (1997).
High Testosterone Prior to Song Crystallization Inhibits Singing Behavior in Captive Yearling Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis) (with Russell C. Titus and Ellen D. Ketterson), 32 HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 133 (1997).
Song Rates of Dark-Eyed Juncos Do Not Increase When Females are Fertile (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 41 BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 165 (1997).
Testosterone Affects Reproductive Success by Influencing Extra-Pair Fertilizations in Male Dark-Eyed Juncos (Aves: Junco Hyemalis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, SERIES B. 1599, (1997).
Testosterone and Mate Choice in the Dark-Eyed Junco (with David A. Enstrom and Ellen D. Ketterson), 54 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 1135 (1997).
The Effect of Exogenous Testosterone on Parental Behavior, Plasma Prolactin, and Prolactin Binding Sites in Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 34 HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 1 (1998).
Influence of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Nest Defense in Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 56 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 617 (1998).
Testosterone and captivity affect telencephalic and hippocampal volume in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), 24 SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS 683 (1998).
Variation in Ejaculate Quality in Dark-Eyed Juncos According to Season, Stage of Reproduction, and Testosterone Treatment (with Tracey L. Kast and Ellen D. Ketterson), 115 AUK 684 (1998).
Adaptation, Exaptation, and Constraint: A Hormonal Perspective (with Ellen D. Ketterson), 154 Suppl. no.1 AMERICAN NATURALIST S4 (1999).
Intra-clutch Variation in Testosterone Content of Eggs of Red-Winged Blackbirds (with Joseph Lipar and Ellen D. Ketterson), 116 AUK 231 (1999).
Exogenous Testosterone and the Adrenocortical Response in the Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Stephan J. Schoech and Ellen D. Ketterson), 116 AUK 64 (1999).
Egg Yolk Layers Vary in the Concentration of Steroid Hormones in Two Avian Species (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 115 GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY 220 (1999).
Mate Choice Based on Static versus Dynamic Secondary Sexual Traits in the Dark-Eyed Junco (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 10 BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY 91 (1999).
Effects of Captivity and Testosterone on the Volumes of Four Brain Regions in the Dark-Eyed Junco (Junco Hyemalis), (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 43 JOURNAL OF NEUROBIOLOGY 244 (2000).
Testosterone Increases Activity But Not Daily Energy Expenditure in Captive Male Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Ellen Ketterson, et. al.), 60 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 581 (2000).
Effects of Time of Sampling on Oocyst Detection and Effects of Age and Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Prevalence of Coccidia in Male Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Stephen P. Hudman and Ellen Ketterson), 117 AUK 1048 (2000).
The Effects of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone and Food Deprivation on Food Consumption and Prey Size Preferences in Male Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis, Emberizidae: Passeriformes) (with Ethan Clotfelter and Ellen D. Ketterson), 107 ETHOLOGY 439 (2001).
Offspring Sex Ratio is Unrelated to Male Attractiveness in Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis), (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 50 BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 312 (2001).
Steroid Hormones and Immune Function: Experimental Studies in Wild and Captive Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis), (with Joseph M. Casto and Ellen D. Ketterson), 157 AMERICAN NATURALIST 408 (2001).
Testosterone Manipulations of Male Attractiveness Has No Detectable Effect on Female Home-Range Size and Behavior during the Fertile Period, (with Ellen Ketterson et al.), 108 ETHOLOGY 713 (2002).
Mouth Colour Signals Thermal Stress in Nestling Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis), (with Ellen Ketterson et al.), 109 ETHOLOGY 171 (2003).
Consequences of Elevating Plasma Testosterone in Females of a Socially Monogamous Songbird: Evidence of Constraints on Male Evolution? (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 46 HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 171 (2004).
Elevated Testosterone Reduces Choosiness in Female Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis:): Evidence for a Hormonal Constraint on Sexual Selection?, 271 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, SERIES B. 1377 (2004).
Female Ornamentation and Male Mate Choice in Dark-Eyed Juncos, 67 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 93 (2004).
Correlational Selection Leads to Genetic Integration of Body Size and an Attractive Plumage Trait in Dark-eyed Juncos (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 59 EVOLUTION 658 (2005).
Testosterone in Females: Mediator of Adaptive Traits, Constraint on Sexual Dimorphism, or Both? (with E. D. Ketterson and M. Sandell), 166 Suppl. AMERICAN NATURALIST S85 (2005).
Physiological Effects on Demography: A Long-Term Experimental Study of Testosterone's Effects on Fitness (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 167 AMERICAN NATURALIST 667 (2006).
Acorn Mast Drives Long-Term Dynamics of Rodent and Songbird Populations (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), 154 OECOLOGIA 493 (2007).
The Influence of Exogenous Testosterone on the Dynamics of Nestling Provision in Dark-Eyed Juncos (with Ellen Ketterson et al.), 113 ETHOLOGY 18 (2007).
A More Informative Method for Analyzing Reproductive Success (with B. G. Murray, Jr.), 78 JOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY 401 (2007).
Book Chapters
An Analysis of the Sexual Nexus in the Prairie Warbler, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGICAL CONGRESS. Ithaca, NY: I.O.C., 1963.
Fidelity to the Breeding Site in the Prairie Warbler (Dendroica discolor), in ABSTRACTS OF THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGICAL CONGRESS. Oxford: I.O.C., 1966.
The Evolution of Differential Migration (with Ellen D. Ketterson), in CURRENT ORNITHOLOGY. Vol. 1 (Richard F. Johnston, Ed.). New York: Plenum Publishing, 1983.
Interspecific Variation in Aviation Migration: Evolutionary and Regulatory Aspects (with Ellen D. Ketterson), in UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS CONTRIBUTIONS TO MARINE SCIENCE (Suppl. 27, p. 553). Austin: University of Texas, 1985.
A Possible Role for Experience in the Regulation of the Timing of Bird Migration (with E. Ketterson), in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGICAL CONGRESS. Ithaca, NY: IOC, 1988.
Non-breeding Attributes of Yearling Dark-Eyed Juncos that Acquire Breeding Territories in Their First Year (with E. Ketterson, C. Ziegenfus, D. Cullen, M. Cawthorn and L. Wolf), in PROCEEDINGS OF THE XX INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGICAL CONGRESS. Ithaca, NY: IOC, 1990.
Site Attachment and Site Fidelity in Migratory Birds: Experimental Evidence from the Field and Analogies from Neurobiology (with Ellen D. Ketterson), in BIRD MIGRATION (E. Gwinner, Ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Hormones and Life Histories: An Integrative Approach (with Ellen D. Ketterson) in BEHAVIORAL MECHANISMS IN EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY (Leslie A. Real, Ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.
The Relative Impact of Extra-Pair Fertilizations on Variation in Male and Female Reproductive Success in Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis) (with Ellen D. Ketterson, et. al.), in AVIAN REPRODUCTIVE TACTICS: MALE AND FEMALE PERSPECTIVES (edited by P.G. Parker and N.T. Burley). Lawrence, KS: Allen Press, 1998.
Prairie Warbler: Dendroica discolor, in THE BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA, NO. 455. Philadelphia, PA: Birds of North America, Inc., 1999.
Testosterone, Phenotype, and Fitness: A Research Program in Evolutionary Behavioral Endocrinology, in AVIAN ENDOCRINOLOGY. New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing House, 2000.
The Dark-Eyed Junco: Junco hyemalis, in THE BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA, NO. 716. Philadelphia, PA, 2003.