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João Marinotti

Faculty bibliography for Professor Marinotti


João Marinotti

Associate Professor of Law 


The Law of the Upload (with Asaf Lubin), THE FRENCH NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (forthcoming). [SSRN]

Escaping Circularity: The Fourth Amendment and Property Law, 81 MARYLAND LAW REVIEW 641 (2022). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Possessing Intangibles, 116 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 1227 (2022). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Tangibility as Technology, 37 GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 671 (2021). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Editorials & Commentaries

Upload: Sci-Fi as Legal Fodder (with Asaf Lubin), JURIST (May 24, 2021).

Blog Posts

Lawfare -- Blog focused on the interaction of a nation's laws and legal institutions with actions taken for national security.

Why Current Botnet Takedown Jurisprudence Should Not be Replicated (with Asaf Lubin) (Jul. 21, 2021).

Other Publications

Symposium on Language, Sustainable Development, and Vulnerable Populations, Final Report UNITED NATIONS (2017).

Symposium on Language and the Sustainable Development Goals, Final Report, 2016, UNITED NATIONS (2016).

Working Papers

Data Trusts: Is the Trust Cart Before the Property Horse? 

Ontological Indeterminacy and the False Promise of Linguistics in Law

In Defense of Legal Language