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Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt

Faculty bibliography for Professor Dau-Schmidt


Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt

Willard and Margaret Carr Professor of Labor and Employment Law


LABOR LAW IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORKPLACE, 4th ed. (with Roberto L. Corrada, St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2024.

LEGAL PROTECTION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE, 6th ed. (with M. Finkin, et al.). St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2021.

LABOR LAW IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORKPLACE, 3rd ed. (with M.H. Malin, St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2019.

LEGAL PROTECTION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE, 5th ed. (with M. Finkin and R. Covington). St. Paul, MN: West Academic, 2016.

LABOR LAW IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORKPLACE, 2nd ed. (with M.H. Malin, St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2014.

LEGAL PROTECTION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE, 4th ed. (with M. Finkin and R. Covington). Eagan, MN: West Law School, 2011.

LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW AND ECONOMICS (with S. Harris and O. Lobel). Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2009.

LABOR LAW IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORKPLACE (with Martin Malin, et al.). Eagan, MN: West, 2009.

LEGAL RIGHTS AND INTERESTS IN THE WORKPLACE (with Clyde W. Summers and Alan Hyde). Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2007.

LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS, 3rd ed. (with Robert J. Rabin, et al.). St. Paul, MN: West Group, 2002.

LEGAL PROTECTION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE, 3rd ed. (with Matthew W. Finkin, et al.). St. Paul, MN: West Group, 2002.

LAW AND ECONOMICS ANTHOLOGY (with Thomas Ulen). Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing Co. (1998).


Racial and Ethnic Ancestry of the Nation's Black Law Students: An Analysis of Data from the LSSE Survey (with Kevin D. Brown), 22 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN LAW AND POLICY 1 (2022). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]  

Does US Federal Employment Law Now Cover Caste Discrimination Based on Untouchability? If All Else Fails There is the Approach from Bostock v. Clayton County (with Kevin D. Brown, Annapurna Waughray, Lalit Khandare), 46 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY REVIEW OF LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE 117 (2022). [SSRN]

The American Experience with Employee Noncompete Clauses: Constraints on Employees Flourish and Do Real Damage in the Land of Economic Liberty (with Xiaohan Sun and Phillip J. Jones) 42 COMPARATIVE LABOR LAW AND POLICY JOURNAL 585 (2022). [SSRN]

Men and Women of the Bar: A Second Look at the Impact of Gender on Legal Careers (with Kaushik Mukhopadhaya) 46 JOURNAL OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION 104 (2021). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

O Brother Where Art Thou? The Struggles of African American Men in the Global Economy of the Information Age, 8 INDIANA JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL EQUALITY 1 (2020). [HeinOnline]

Introduction: The American Law Institute's Restatement of Employment Law: Comments and Critiques, 21 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL 245 (2017). [HeinOnline]

The Impact of Emerging Information Technologies on the Employment Relationship: New Gigs for Labor and Employment Law, 2017 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 63 (2017). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Labor Law 2.0: The Impact of the New Information Technology on the Employment Relationship and the NLRA 65 EMORY LAW JOURNAL 1583 (2015). [SSRN]

Undermining or Promoting Democratic Government? An Economic and Empirical Analysis of the Two Views of Public Sector Collective Bargaining in American Law (with M. Khan), 14 NEVADA LAW JOURNAL 414 (2014). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Employment and Economic Advancement of African-Americans in the Twentieth Century (R. Sherman), 1 JINDAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY 95 (2013). [SSRN]

Promises to Keep: Ensuring the Payment of Americans' Pension Benefits in the Wake of the Great Recession, 52 WASHBURN LAW JOURNAL 393 (2013). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

The Great Recession, the Resulting Budget Shortfalls, the 2010 Elections and the Attack on Public Sector Collective Bargaining (with W. Lin), 29 HOFSTRA LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW JOURNAL 407 (2012). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Introduction: Guaranteeing the Rights of Public Employees (with Ann C. McGinley), 16 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL 533 (2012). [HeinOnline]

Keynes Was Right!, 87 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 59 (2012). [HeinOnline]

Swimming in the Crosscurrents of History: Labor and Employment Law Under the Obama Administration (with Matthew Kelley), 87 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1 (2012). [HeinOnline]

Promoting Employee Voice in the American Economy: A Call for Comprehensive Reform, 94 MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW 765 (2011). [SSRN] [HeinOnlinePortions will be reprinted in MODERN LABOR LAW, Anne Marie Lofaso, Ed.

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts: Analyzing Legal Problems in an Endogenous World, 91 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 385 (2011). [HeinOnline]

The Relative Bargaining Power of Employers and Unions in the Global Information Age: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Japan (with Benjamin C. Ellis), 20 INDIANA INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 1 (2010). [HeinOnline]

Review of Labor and Employment Decisions from the Supreme Court's 2008-2009 Term (with Todd Dvorak), 25 ABA JOURNAL OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW 107 (2010). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

A Conference on the American Law Institute’s Proposed Restatement of Employment Law, 13 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL 1 (2009). [SSRN]

Men and Women of the Bar: The Impact of Gender on Legal Careers (with M. Galanter, K. Mukhopadhaya, and K. Hull), 16 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF GENDER & LAW 49 (2009). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

"Old and Making Hay:” The Results of the Pro Bono Institute Firm Survey on the Viability of a “Second Acts” Program to Transition Attorneys to Retirement Through Pro Bono Work (with E. Lardent, R. Glazer and K. Ressmeyer), 7 CARDOZO PUBLIC LAW, POLICY, AND ETHICS JOURNAL 321 (2009). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Solving the Employee Reference Problem: Lessons From the German Experience (with Matthew W. Finkin), 57 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 387 (2009). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Economic Analysis of Labor and Employment Law in the New Economy (with Alan Hyde, et al.), 12 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL 350 (2008). [HeinOnline]

The Kid Factor (with Marc Galanter, et al.), 30 THE AMERICAN LAWYER 89 (April 2008).

The Changing Face of Collective Representation: The Future of Collective Bargaining, 82 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 903 (2007). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Governance of the Workplace: The Contemporary Regime of Individual Contract (with Timothy A. Haley), 28 COMPARATIVE LABOR LAW & POLICY JOURNAL 313 (2007). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Income and Career Satisfaction in the Legal Profession: Survey Data from Indiana Law Graduates (with Jeffrey E. Stake and Kaushik Mukhopadhaya), 4 JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES 939 (2007). [SSRN]

The American Experience with Union Exclusive Representation in Industrial Relations: Implications for the Debate over Korean Labor Law Reform and Plural Unionism (with Ryan Vann), 3 YOUNGSAN LAW JOURNAL 103 (2006). [SSRN]

Lost in Translation: The Economic Analysis of Law in the United States and Europe (with Carmen L. Brun),  44 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW 602 (2006) [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

"The Pride of Indiana": An Empirical Study of the Law School Experience and Careers of Indiana University Law Alumni (with Jeffrey Stake, et al.), 81 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1427 (2006). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Protecting Families in a Global Economy (with C. Brun), 13 INDIANA JOURNAL OF GLOBAL LEGAL STUDIES 165 (2006). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Definition of “Employee” in American Labor and Employment Law (with M. Ray), 53 BULLETIN OF COMPARATIVE LABOUR RELATIONS 59 (2004).

Individual Bargaining, Collective Bargaining and Protective Legislation: Determining the Terms and Conditions of Employment in the Modern American Employment Relationship (with C. Brun), 53 BULLETIN OF COMPARATIVE LABOUR RELATIONS 183 (2004).

Pittsburgh, City of Bridges: Developing a Rational Approach to Interdisciplinary Discourse on Law, 38 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 199 (2004). [HeinOnline]

Teaching in a Larger Social Context: Using Simulations to Demonstrate Socioeconomic Principles and Their Relevance to Law (with Jeffrey Stake), 41 SAN DIEGO LAW REVIEW 75 (2004). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Employment in the New Age of Trade and Technology: Implications for Labor and Employment Law, 76 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1 (2001). [SSRN] [HeinOnline] Reprinted in part in WORK LAW CASES AND MATERIALS (Marion Crain et al., Eds.). New York: LexisNexis Matthew Bender, 2005.

Roundtable Discussion: What the Experiences of the Recent Past Tell Us About the Labor and Employment Law Issues of the Future (with Catherine Barnard, Willard Carr, and Alvin Goldman), 76 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 177 (2001).

Department of Justice Antitrust Enforcement, 1955-1997: An Empirical Study (with Joseph Gallo, Joseph Craycraft, and Charles Parker), 17 REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 75, 2000. [SSRN]

The First Century of Department of Justice Antitrust Enforcement (with Joseph Gallo et al.), 17 REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 75 (2000). Reprinted in CRITICAL WRITINGS IN ECONOMICS, VOLUME II: CARTELS (Stephen Salant AND Margaret Levenstein, Eds.). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007.

International Regulation of the Employment Relationship in the New Age of Trade and Technology: International Labour Organization Standards and the Decline of Lifetime Employment, 43 GERMAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 149 (2000).

Labor Law and Industrial Peace: A Comparative Analysis of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan Under the Bargaining Model, 8 TULANE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 117 (2000). [HeinOnline] [SSRN] Reprinted in NYU WORKING PAPERS ON LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW, 1998-1999 (Michael J. Yelnosky, Ed.), Boston: Kluwer Law International, 2001.

Family Gatherings and a Dirty Little Secret of the Law and Society Movement, 33 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 1081 (1999). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Fruits of Our Labors: An Empirical Study of the Distribution of Income and Job Satisfaction Over the Legal Profession (with Kaushik Mukhopadhaya), 49 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 342 (1999). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Laboring in the Academic Marketplace: The Case for Tenure, 1 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL 293 (1997). [HeinOnline]

Economics and Sociology: The Prospects for an Interdisciplinary Discourse on Law, 1997 WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW 389 (1997). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Smoking in the Washroom of the Chicago School: A Reply to Crespi, 22 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 171 (1997). [HeinOnline]

An Empirical Study of the Effect of Liquidity and Consumption Commitment Constraints on Intertemporal Labor Supply, 23 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 89 (1997). [SSRN]

Dividing the Surplus: Will Globalization Give Women a Larger or Smaller Share of the Benefits of Cooperative Production?, 4 INDIANA JOURNAL OF GLOBAL LEGAL STUDIES 51 (1996). [HeinOnline]

Employment Security: A Comparative Institutional Debate, 74 TEXAS LAW REVIEW 1645 (1996). [HeinOnline]

The Labor Market Transformed: Adapting Labor and Employment Law to the Rise of the Contingent Workforce, 52 WASHINGTON AND LEE LAW REVIEW 879 (1995). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Criminal Penalties Under the Sherman Act: A Study in Law and Economics (with J. Gallo, et al.), 16 RESEARCH IN LAW AND ECONOMICS 25 (1994). [SSRN]

Bargaining Theory and Canadian Labour Law, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Industrial Relations Association, Learned Societies Conference, Charlottetown, & Prince Edward Island, Canada. Published in 2 THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SYSTEM: PROCEEDINGS OF THE XXIXth CONFERENCE OF THE CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ASSOCIATION 753 (1993).


Meeting the Demands of Workers Into the Twenty-First Century: The Future of Labor and Employment Law, 68 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 685 (1993). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

An Agency Cost Analysis of the Sentencing Reform Act: Recalling the Virtues of Delegating Complex Decisions, 25 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS LAW REVIEW 659 (1992). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

A Bargaining Analysis of American Labor Law and the Search For Bargaining Equity and Industrial Peace, 91 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW 419 (1992). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]. Reprinted in part in FOUNDATIONS OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW (Samuel Estreicher and Stewart Schwab, Eds.), New York: Foundation Press, 2000. Portions of this article have also been reprinted in LABOR LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (Michael C. Harper and Samuel Estreicher, Eds.), Boston: Little, Brown, 1996.

The Effect of Consumption Commitments and the Liquidity Constraint on Labor Supply, 18 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 49 (1992). [SSRN]

An Economic Analysis of the Criminal Law as a Preference-Shaping Policy, 1990 DUKE LAW JOURNAL 1 (1990) [SSRN]. Reprinted in MORALITY, RATIONALITY, AND EFFICIENCY: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON SOCIO-ECONOMCS (Richard M. Coughlin, Ed.), Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1991.

Relaxing Traditional Economic Assumptions and Values: Towards a New Multidisciplinary Discourse on Law, 42 SYRACUSE LAW REVIEW 181 (1991). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Union Security Agreements Under the National Labor Relations Act: The Statute, the Constitution, and the Court's Opinion in Beck, 27 HARVARD JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION 51 (1990) [HeinOnline] [SSRN]. Reprinted in THE INTERNAL GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS OF LABOR UNIONS: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF GEORGE BROOKS (S. Estreicher, et al., Eds.), New York: Kluwer Law International, 2001.

Panel Discussion, (Second Annual Corporate Symposium), 58 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 431 (1989). [HeinOnline]

Comments on Commercial Speech, Constitutionalism, Collective Choice, 56 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 1383 (1988). [HeinOnline]

Sentencing Antitrust Offenders: Reconciling Economic Theory with Legal Theory, 9 WILLIAM MITCHELL LAW REVIEW 75 (1984). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Minnesota’s Workers’ Right to Know Act of 1983, 40(9) BENCH & BAR OF MINNESOTA 12 (1983).

Book Chapters

Non-Compete Covenants (with Jozie M. Barton), in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF THE LAW OF WORK (G. Davidov, B. Langille & G. Lester, eds.), forthcoming 2024. [SSRN]

The Problem of "Misclassification" or How to Define Who Is an "Employee" under Protective Legislation in the Information Age in CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF U.S. LABOR LAW FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY (R. Bales and C. Garden, Eds.). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Trade, Commerce, and Employment: The Evolution of the Form and Regulation of the Employment Relationship in Response to the New Information Technology in OXFORD HANDBOOK OF LAW, REGULATION, AND TECHNOLOGY (R. Brownsword,, Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Law and Economics, Empirical Dimensions (with Brian J. Broughman) in THE INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2nd ed. (J.D. Wright, Ed.). New York: Elsevier, 2015.

The Relative Bargaining Power of Employers and Unions in the Global Information Age: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Japan (with B.C. Ellis) in ENTERPRISE LAW: CONTRACTS, MARKETS, AND LAWS IN THE US AND JAPAN (Zenichi Shishido, Ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2014.

Regulating Unions and Collective Bargaining, in LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW AND ECONOMICS (Editor, with Seth D. Harris and Orly Lobel). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009.

Economic Analysis of Labor Law (with J. Gibbs) and Economic Models, in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW AND SOCIETY: AMERICAN AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES (David Scott Clark, Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.

An Alternative Economic Analysis of the Regulation of Unions and Collective Bargaining, in LAW AND ECONOMICS: ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO LEGAL AND REGULATORY ISSUES (Margaret Oppenheimer and Nicholas Mercuro, Eds.). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2005.

Lost in Translation: The Economic Analysis of Law in the United States and Europe(with C. Brun), in WELTINNENRECHT: LIBER AMICORUM JOST DELBRUECK (Stephan Hobe et al., Eds.). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2005. Reprinted at 44 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW 602 (2006) [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Story of NLRB v. Truitt Manufacturing Co. and NLRB v. Insurance Agents’ International Union: The Duty to Bargain in Good Faith, in LABOR LAW STORIES (Laura J. Cooper and Catherine L. Fisk, Eds.). New York: Foundation Press, 2005.

Law and Economics, in LEGAL SYSTEMS OF THE WORLD: A POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ENCYCLOPEDIA (Herbert M. Kritzer, Ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2002.

Law and Economics, Empirical Dimensions, in INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (N. Smelser and P. Baltes, Eds.). New York: Elsevier, 2001.

Preference Shaping by the Law, in 3 THE NEW PALGRAVE DICTIONARY OF ECONOMICS AND THE LAW 84 (Peter K. Newman, Ed.). New York: Macmillan Reference, 1998.

Legal Prohibitions as More Than Prices: The Economic Analysis of Preference Shaping Policies in the Law, in LAW AND ECONOMICS: NEW AND CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES (R. Malloy and C. Brun, Eds.). New York: P. Lang, 1995.

Book Reviews

Review Essay. On Game Theory and the Law (with Jeffrey E. Stake, et al.), Baird et al., Game Theory and the Law, 31 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 613 (1997). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in GAME THEORY AND THE LAW (Eric B. Rasmusen, Ed.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008.

Book Review. High-Velocity Labor Economics: A Review Essay of Working in Silicon Valley: Economic and Legal Analysis of a High-Velocity Labor Market by Alan Hyde, 6 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW 847 (2004). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Models in Social Science: A Review of Law and Public Policy: A Socioeconomic Approach by Lynne L. Dallas, 41 SAN DIEGO LAW REVIEW 441 (2004). [HeinOnline]