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A. Dan Tarlock


A. Dan Tarlock

Professor of Law, 1968-1981

Colorado Encourages Rapid Depletion of Its Ground-Water Resources, 16 STANFORD LAW REVIEW 721 (1964). [HeinOnline]

Kentucky Planning and Land Use Control Enabling Legislation: An Analysis of the 1966 Revision of K.R.S. Chapter 100, 56 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 556 (1967). [HeinOnline]

Preservation of Scenic Rivers, 55 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 745 (1967). [HeinOnline]

A Comment on the 1968 Amendments to Kentucky Planning and Land Use Controls Enabling Legislation, 57 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 83 (1968). [HeinOnline]

Eminent Domain - Review of Route Selection Made By Public Utility Through Private Wild-Life Refuge, 8 NATURAL RESOURCES JOURNAL 1 (1968). [HeinOnline]

Not in Accordance with a Comprehensive Plan: A Case Study of Regional Shopping Center Location Conflicts in Lexington, Kentucky, 1970 URBAN LAW ANNUAL 133. [HeinOnline]

The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (with Roger Tippy), 55 CORNELL LAW REVIEW 707 (1970). [HeinOnline]

Balancing Environmental Considerations and Energy Demands: A Comment on Calvert Cliff's Coordinating Committee, Inc. v. AEC, 47 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 645 (1972). [HeinOnline]

Environmental Regulation of Power Plant Siting: Existing and Proposed Institutions, (with Roger Tippy and Frances E. Francis), 45 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 502 (1972). [HeinOnline]

Toward A Revised Theory of Zoning, 1972 LAND USE CONTROLS ANNUAL 141.

Administrative Law and Local Government, 1972-1973 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 111.

Land Use Choice: National Prerogative vs. International Policy, 13 NATURAL RESOURCES JOURNAL 343 (1973). [HeinOnline]

Administrative Law and Local Government, 1973-1974 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 1.

The Application of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to the Darien Gap Highway Project, 7 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLITICS 459 (1974). [HeinOnline]

The Uses of Scientific Information in Environmental Decision-Making (with Marcia R. Gelpe), 48 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 371 (1974). [HeinOnline]

A Comment on Meyers' Introduction to Environmental Thought, 50 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 454 (1975). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in 1976 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 31.

Consistency With Adopted Land Use Plans As a Standard of Judical Review: The Case Against, 9 URBAN LAW ANNUAL 69 (1975). [HeinOnline]

Recent Developments in the Recognition of Instream Uses in Western Water Law, 1975 UTAH LAW REVIEW 871. [HeinOnline]

State and Local Administrative Law (with K. W. Macke), 1974-75 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 81.

Administrative Law, State and Local Administrative Law, 1975-76 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 46.

Oil Pollution on Lake Superior: The Uses of State Regulation, 61 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW 63 (1976). [HeinOnline]

An Environmental Overview of Geothermal Resources Development (with Richard L. Waller), 13 LAND AND WATER LAW REVIEW 289 (1977). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in 1978 LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENT LAW REVIEW 339.

Geothermal Bibliography (with Richard L. Waller), 13 LAND AND WATER LAW REVIEW 349 (1977). [HeinOnline]

Yes, Students, There Is a Marengo Cave--And You Are There, 1977 BILL OF PARTICULARS 7 (Winter 1977).

Appropriation for Instream Flow Maintenance: A Progress Report on "New" Public Western Water Rights, 1978 UTAH LAW REVIEW 211. [HeinOnline]

Water That is Not Water (with Owen Olpin), 13 LAND AND WATER LAW REVIEW 391 (1978). [HeinOnline]

Geothermal Development and Western Water Law (with Owen Olpin and Carl F. Austin), 1979 UTAH LAW REVIEW 773. [HeinOnline]

No Water for the Woods: A Critical Analysis of United States v. New Mexico (with Sally K. Fairfax), 15 IDAHO LAW REVIEW 509 (1979). [HeinOnline]

The Recognition of Instream Flow Rights: A "New" Public Western Water Right, 25 ROCKY MOUNTAIN MINERAL LAW INSTITUTE 24 (1979).

Administrative Law: Procedural Due Process and Other Issues, 56 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 13 (1980). [HeinOnline]

An Economic Analysis of Direct Voter Participation in Zoning Change, 1 UCLA JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY 31 (1980). [HeinOnline]

Western Water Law and Coal Development, 51 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LAW REVIEW 511 (1980). [HeinOnline]

Anywhere But Here: An Introduction to State Control of Hazardous-Waste Facility Location, 2 UCLA JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY 1 (1981). [HeinOnline]