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Dan W. Hopson Jr.


Dan W. Hopson, Jr.

Professor of Law, 1967-1980



ECONOMICS OF INDIANA LAW PRACTICE (with James H. Grund). Indianapolis: Indiana State Bar Association, 1971.

JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM: CASES AND MATERIALS. Bloomington: Indiana University School of Law, 1977.


Family Law, Survey of Kansas Law, 4 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 224 (1955). [HeinOnline]

Family Law, Survey of Kansas Law, 5 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 255 (1956). [HeinOnline]

A Seminar in Juvenile Problems, 9 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 235 (1956). [HeinOnline]

Family Law, Survey of Kansas Law, 6 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 181 (1957). [HeinOnline]

Kansas Labor Law and District Court Injunctions, 6 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 1 (1957). [HeinOnline]

Whither Hurried Hence: The New Right to Work Amendment, 8 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 18 (1959). [HeinOnline]

Cognovit Judgments: An Ignored Problem of Due Process and Full Faith and Credit, 29 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW 111 (1961). [HeinOnline]

Family Law, Survey of Kansas Law (with John W. Brand, Jr.), 10 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 219 (1961). [HeinOnline]

Economics of a Divorce: A Pilot Empirical Study at the Trial Court Level, 11 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 107 (1962). [HeinOnline]

Foreword: Student Symposium on the Child and the Law, 10 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 539 (1962). [HeinOnline]

Property Rights in Divorce and Separate Maintenance Cases, 30 JOURNAL OF THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS 302 (1962).

Divorce and Alimony Under the New Code, 12 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 27 (1963). [HeinOnline]

Family Law, Survey of Kansas Law (with John W. Brand, Jr.), 12 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 257 (1963). [HeinOnline]

The Role of Juvenile Court Judge, 14 JUVENILE COURT JUDGES JOURNAL 24 (June 1963). [HeinOnline]

Divorce Under the New Code, 33 JOURNAL OF THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS 165 (1964).

Family Law, Survey of Kansas Law (with John W. Brand, Jr.), 14 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 271 (1965). [HeinOnline]

American Proposals for the English Legal Profession, 111 SOLICITORS' JOURNAL 429 (1967).

Introduction to a Symposium on Juvenile Problems: In Re Gault, 43 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 523 (1968). [HeinOnline]

Training for Socio-Legal Research: College Prior to Law School, Self Help and the On-The-Job Training, 23 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 242 (1971). [HeinOnline]

Indiana Attorneys are Doing Well, Survey Indicates, 16 RES GESTAE 7 (May 1972).

Summary of the New Indiana Dissolution of Marriage Law, 1972-73 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 7. Reprinted in FAMILY LAW PRACTICE MANUAL. Indianapolis: Indiana State Bar Association 1973.

Family Law 1973-74 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 177.

Family and Juvenile Law, 1974-75 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 227.

An Introduction--The National Debate and State Level Response: The New Indiana Juvenile Code, 54 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 519 (1979). [HeinOnline]

Book Chapters

The Control of Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime: The Local Effort, in COMMUNITY PLANNING FOR YOUTH (B. Schul, Ed.). Topeka: Kansas Office of the Attorney General, 1964.

Jurisdiction of State Courts to Issue Injunctions Against Strikes in Breach of Contract and the Right to Remove Such Actions to the Federal Courts, 1965 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION SECTION OF LABOR RELATIONS LAW. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON STATE LABOR LEGISLATION, 407.

Report of the Committee on State Labor Legislation (with H. Schulman and E. C. Moore, Jr.), 1967 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION SECTION OF LABOR RELATIONS LAW PROCEEDINGS 17.

The Role of the Judge, in TRAINING MANUAL IN HUMAN RELATIONS. Washington, DC: 1967.

Book Reviews

Book Review. Guides for Juvenile Court Judges, 7 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 109 (1958). [HeinOnline]