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Donna M. Nagy

Faculty bibliography for Professor Nagy

Book Chapters

Donna Nagy

C. Ben Dutton Professor of Law

Commentary on "United States v. Chestman" in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: CORPORATE LAW REWRITTEN (Anne Choike, et al., eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Insider Trading Law in the United States and Australia: Fiduciary Breaches, Market Abuses, and the Harshness of Penalties, in CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK ON INVESTOR PROTECTION (Arthur Laby, ed.). Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022.

Misleading Silence as the Basis for Insider Trading Liability Under the Federal Securities Laws, in MISLEADING SILENCE: A COLLECTION OF ESSAYS (Elise Bant and Jeannine Paterson, eds.). Hart Publishing, 2020.

Congressional Officials and the Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty: Lessons from Corporate Law in FIDUCIARY GOVERNMENT (Evan Criddle, et al., eds.). Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Constitutional Law and Public Policy: Gender Equity (with Aviva Rich), in GENDER MOSAICS: SOCIAL PERSPECTIVES (Dana Vannoy, Ed.). Cary, NC: Roxbury Press, 2001.