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Review Essay. On Game Theory and the Law (with Jeffrey E. Stake, et al.), Baird et al., Game Theory and the Law, 31 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 613 (1997). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in GAME THEORY AND THE LAW (Eric B. Rasmusen, Ed.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008.
Book Review. High-Velocity Labor Economics: A Review Essay of Working in Silicon Valley: Economic and Legal Analysis of a High-Velocity Labor Market by Alan Hyde, 6 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW 847 (2004). [HeinOnline]
Book Review. Models in Social Science: A Review of Law and Public Policy: A Socioeconomic Approach by Lynne L. Dallas, 41 SAN DIEGO LAW REVIEW 441 (2004). [HeinOnline]