The main website of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), provides general information on the FDLP’s purpose, the types of materials the FDLP collects, links to government websites, and FDLP-related announcements. Users can also find outreach efforts and a directory of all depository libraries in the nation.
Every Federal depository library is required to have the titles in the "basic collection" accessible for immediate use.
These titles are vital sources of information that support the public's right to know about the workings and essential activities of the Federal Government. This list is subject to change.
Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) Classification Guidelines
This is the FDLP's guide to understanding the SuDocs classification scheme. There is information about the history of the FDLP, examples of typical SuDocs numbers, a list of publications that explain the SuDocs system, and a comprehensive listing of SuDocs classes.
FDLP libraries may choose to remove publications from their collections, as permitted under 44 U.S.C. § 1912. Withdrawn publications can be placed on the Needs and Offers (N&O) list to be given to other libraries that are missing materials. "FDLP eXchange provides libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program with a one-stop-shop for the entire needs and offers process. FDLP eXchange automates disposition processing by allowing libraries to enter information on materials they want to discard and to have the process managed by an automated workflow. The application also allows libraries to enter information on materials needed for their collections or digitization efforts."
Every library participating in the FDLP must comply with a set of rules. These rules cover areas such as collection management, how materials must be stored, and disaster preparation. This website compiles all existing FDLP laws and regulations into a single source.
Information for Indiana Federal Depository Libraries
Information on Indiana libraries that participate in the Federal Depository Library Program can be found at this state website. A directory of all Indiana depository libraries is provided, along with Indiana guidelines for disposing outdated/unused government publications.
Indiana libraries that participate in Indiana’s own depository library program have created a collection of rules and guidelines detailing how government publications should be withdrawn from a library’s possession. These rules cover what documents may be withdrawn, how disposal lists must be formatted, and the process of notifying other libraries in the system.
Indiana State Library Federal Documents Needs and Offers Database
Indiana selective depository libraries can use this database to submit lists of items that they wish to dispose of or that they wish to acquire.
Indiana Light Archive for Federal Documents - Indiana University
The Indiana Light Archive is a partnership of Indiana libraries (academic and state) to collect all documents produced by the federal government. Currently, the partnership is focused on establishing and maintaining digital access to government publications.
INDIGO (Indiana Networking for Documents and Information of Government Organizations) is an organization of government information librarians in Indiana. INDIGO holds regular meetings and is an opportunity for librarians to discuss ideas and issues relating to government information.