Treatises on public international law usually include extensive sections on human rights law, which can serve as a useful introduction to broad themes in the area of human rights. For example, Oppenheim's International Law, 9th ed., (KZ3264 .A35 1992 v.1) includes a 200 page introduction to the topic.
Treaty commentaries provide an article-by-article analysis of a given treaty, together with detailed citations to court decisions and other commentary. Thus, commentaries provide the best source of information on how a particular treaty article has been applied, and on the theoretical disputes or areas of disagreement that have arisen in the scholarly community. To locate commentaries in IUCAT or WorldCat, use title keywords of the treaty as a subject in combination with the title keyword "commentary." Commentaries can be located on all important, multilateral human rights treaties, e.g., U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights : CCPR Commentary, 2nd rvsd. ed. (2005), by Nowak (K3238.31966.A3 N6913 2005), and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: a Commentary (1992), by Eide (K3238.31948 .U55 1992).