What is it?
Law review and law journal articles are lengthy, scholarly articles written by experts in the field on a variety of legal topics. Most law journals are published by law schools, but the category of legal periodicals also includes publications by bar associations and other legal organizations. The full-text of journal articles can nowadays be found in several different locations, both in print and electronically.
Locating full-text journal articles:
Because so many can be found electronically, many libraries are reducing the size of their print periodical collections. The following are several electronic resources for locating the full text of law review and journal articles:
What is it?
Periodical indexes provide the bibliographical information about an enormous number of law journal articles. For the most part, your search results will retrieve the bibliographical information (author, article title, journal title, date) only, rather than the full text of the article. However, because these indexes are so limited in the content they provide, they generally can index many more law journals than can a traditional full-text database. This means a search in a periodical index may retrieve more article titles than a search in a full-text database. With the bibliographical information, you can then track down the article elsewhere.
Locating periodical indexes:
Find journals (not articles) using IUCAT (online library catalog for Indiana University)