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Terry A. Bethel


Terry A. Bethel

Professor Emeritus of Law, 1980-2010; Acting Dean, 1990-1991


Private University Professors and the NLRB v. Yeshiva: The Second Circuit’s Misconception of Shared Authority and Supervisory Status, 44 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 427 (1979). [HeinOnline]

The NLRB and the Discharge of Supervisors: Parker-Robb Brings Questionable Reforms, 54 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LAW REVIEW 1 (1982). [HeinOnline]

Constructive Concerted Activity under the NLRA: Conflicting Signals from the Court and the Board, 59 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 583 (1984). [HeinOnline]

Profiting from Unfair Labor Practices: A Proposal to Regulate Management Representatives, 79 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 506 (1984). [HeinOnline]

Recent Decisions of the NLRB: The Reagan Influence, 60 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 227 (1985). [HeinOnline]

Recent Labor Law Decisions of the Supreme Court, 45 MARYLAND LAW REVIEW 179 (1986). [HeinOnline]

Judicial Enforcement of NLRB Bargaining Orders: What Influences the Courts? (with C. Melfi), 22 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS LAW REVIEW 139 (1988). [HeinOnline]

A Probit Model of NLRB Bargaining Order Cases in the Appellate Courts, 10 JOURNAL OF LABOR RESEARCH 255 (1989).

Labor and Employment Discrimination Cases in the Supreme Court, 1989 Term (with Julia Lamber), 25 UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO LAW REVIEW 325 (1991). [HeinOnline]

Recent Supreme Court Employment Law Decisions, 1990-91, 17 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON LAW REVIEW 33 (1991). [HeinOnline]

Recent Employment Law Decisions of the Seventh Circuit and the Indiana Courts (1992 Survey of Recent Developments in Indiana Law), 26 INDIANA LAW REVIEW 1065 (1993). [HeinOnline]

Wrongful Discharge: Litigation or Arbitration?, 1993 JOURNAL OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION 289 (1993). [HeinOnline]

The Failure of Gissel Bargaining Orders, 14 HOFSTRA LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW JOURNAL 423 (1997). [HeinOnline]

Negligent Retention and Arbitration: The Effect of A Developing Tort on Traditional Labor Law, 2000 JOURNAL OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION 215 (2000). [HeinOnline]

A Tribute to Harry Pratter (with Douglass Boshkoff and Maurice J. Holland), 78 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL (2003). [HeinOnline]


Book Chapters

Recent Decisions of the National Labor Relations Board, in REFERENCE MANUAL FOR CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION (1980 Midwest Labor Law Conference). Columbus: Ohio Legal Center Institute, 1980.

Recent Labor Law Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, in THE SECOND ANNUAL LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW INSTITUTE. Littleton, CO: Rothman, 1986.

Arbitration As an Alternative to Employment Disputes?, in THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER’S GUIDE TO LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW. Indianapolis: ICLEF, 1988.

Wages and Hours in THE COMMON LAW OF THE WORKPLACE (Theodore St. Antoine, Ed.). Washington DC: BNA, 1998.