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Jeannine Bell

Faculty bibliography for Jeannine Bell


Jeannine Bell

Richard S. Melvin Professor of Law



POLICE AND POLICING LAW (ed.). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2006.

GAINING ACCESS: A PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL GUIDE FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCHERS (with Martha Feldman and Michele Berger). Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press, 2003.



The Violence of Nosy Questions, 100 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 935 (2020). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Hidden Fences Shaping Resegregation, 54 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 813 (2019). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Resistance and the Stubborn But Unsurprising Persistence of Hate and Extremism in the United States26 INDIANA JOURNAL OF GLOBAL LEGAL STUDIES 305 (2019). [HeinOnline]

Hate Thy Neighbor: Lessons for Neighborhood Integration for the Post-Obama Era and Beyond, 42 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 577 (2017).

Dead Canaries in the Coal Mines: The Symbolic Assailant Revisited34 GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 513 (2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Cross-Sectional Challenges: Gender, Race, and Six-Person Juries (with Mona Lynch), 46 SETON HALL LAW REVIEW 419 (2016). [SSRN]

Can't We Be Your Neighbor? Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, and the Resistance to Blacks as Neighbors, 95 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 851 (2015). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Police Violence and Ferguson: (En)Racing Criminal Procedure, 65 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 306, 2015. [HeinOnline]

There Are No Racists Here: The Rise of Racial Extremism, When No One Is Racist, 20 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE AND LAW 349 (2015). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Calavita's Law & Society: (En)racing Law and Society, 39 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 209 (2014). 

The Personal, the Political, and Race, 44 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 487 (2010). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Hangman’s Noose and the Lynch Mob: Hate Speech and the Jena 6, 44 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 329 (2009). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Restraining the Heartless: Racist Speech and Minority Rights, 84 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 963 (2009). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

"Behind this Mortal Bone": the (In)Effectiveness of Torture, 83 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 339 (2008). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Demise of the Talented Tenth: Affirmative Action and the Increasing Underrepresentation of Ascendant Blacks at Selective Higher Educational Institutions (with Kevin D. Brown) 69 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 1229 (2008). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

The Fair Housing Act and Extralegal Terror, 41 INDIANA LAW REVIEW 537 (2008). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Hate Thy Neighbor: Violent Racial Exclusion and the Persistence of Segregation, 5 OHIO STATE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW 47 (2007). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

O Say, Can You See: Free Expression by the Light of Fiery Crosses, 39 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 335 (2004). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Asian Pacific Americans and Hate Crime, RICE PAPER 5 (Fall 2003).

Deciding When Hate Is a Crime: the First Amendment, Police Detectives, and the Classification of Hate Crime, 4 RUTGERS RACE & THE LAW REVIEW 33 (2002). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Family and Medical Leave Act, 15 PUBLIC PERSONNEL LAW 1 (1997).

Policing Hatred: Bias Units and the Construction of Hate Crime, 2 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE AND LAW 421 (1997). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Book Chapters

Lack of Punishment Doesn't Fit the Crime: America's Tepid Response to Bias-Motivated Crime, in 85 STUDIES IN LAW, POLITICS & SOCIETY 27 (Austin Sarat, ed.) Bingley: Emerald Publishing, Jan. 2021.

Hate Next Door, in RACE AND REAL ESTATE (A. Brown and V. Smith, Eds.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

The Puzzles of Racial Extremism in a "Post-Racial" World in THE NEW BLACK: WHAT HAS CHANGED AND WHAT HAS NOT WITH RACE IN AMERICA (Kenneth W. Mack and Guy-Uriel Charles, Eds.) New York: New Press, 2013.

Policing and Surveillance, in HATE CRIMES: RESPONDING TO HATE CRIME (Frederick Lawrence and Barbara Perry, Eds.) Westport, CN: Praeger Publishers, 2009.[SSRN]

Pour faire barrage à ceux qui n’ont pas cœur: expressions racistes et droits des minorités, in LIBERTÉ D'EXPRESSION AUX ÉTATS-UNIS ET EN EUROPE (Élisabeth Zoller, Ed.) Paris: Dalloz, 2008.

Hate Crime, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW AND SOCIETY: AMERICAN AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES (David S. Clark, Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007.

The Police and Policing, in BLACKWELL COMPANION TO LAW AND SOCIETY (Austin Sarat, Ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004.

Crossing that Yellow Line: Obtaining Access to Police Departments, in GAINING ACCESS: A PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL GUIDE FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCHERS (Jeannine Bell, et al., Eds.) Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press, 2003.

The Politics of Crime and the Threat to Judicial Independence, in JUSTICE IN JEOPARDY, REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON THE 21ST CENTURY JUDICIARY. Chicago: ABA, 2003.

Blog Posts

ContextsContexts is a quarterly magazine that makes cutting-edge social research accessible to general readers. We’re the public face of sociology.

Setting precedent, an interview with Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar (Oct. 25, 2021).

The Conversation -- The Conversation: Academic rigor, journalistic flair "is a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good. We publish trustworthy and informative articles written by academic experts for the general public and edited by our team of journalists." (About)

Why This Trial was Different: Experts React to Guilty Verdict for Derek Chauvin (with Alexis Karteron, Rashad Shabazz, Ric Simmons) (Apr. 20, 2021).

What is a Hate Crime? The Narrow Legal Definition Makes it Hard to Charge and Convict (Mar. 19, 2021).

Book Reviews

Book Review. Valverde, Mariana, Everyday Law on the Street: City Governance in an Age of Diversity, 13 PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS 168 (2015)

Book Review. Saunders, Kevin W., Degradation: What the History of Obscenity Tells Us about Hate Speech, 21 LAW AND POLITICS BOOK REVIEW  505 (2011).

Book Review. Simon, Jonathon, Governing through Crime: How the War on Crime Transformed American Democracy and Created a Culture of Fear, 42 LAW AND SOCIETY REVIEW 231 (2008). [SSRN]

Book Review. Taub, R.P. and W. J. Wilson, There Goes the Neighborhood: Racial, Ethnic, and Class Tensions in Four Chicago Neighborhoods and Their Meaning for America, 37 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY 49 (2008). [SSRN]

Book Review. Lawrence, F.M., Punishing Hate: Bias Crimes Under American Law, 13 LAW AND POLITICS BOOK REVIEW (January 2003).

Book Review. Jacobs, J. and K. Potter, Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics, 3 PUNISHMENT AND SOCIETY 552 (2001). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Editorials & Commentaries

Co-Editors' Note (with Susan Sterett and Margot Young), 53 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 5 (2019).

Co-Editors' Note (with Susan Sterett and Margot Young), 53 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 321 (2019).

Editors' Note (with Susan Sterett and Margot Young), 52 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 5 (2018).

Editors' Note (with Susan Sterett and Margot Young), 52 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 559 (2018).

Editors' Note (with Susan Sterett and Margot Young), 52 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 833 (2018).

A Brief Note from the New Editors (with Susan Sterett and Margot Young), 51 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW 5 (2017).

How to Improve Discussion of Race in the Classroom, THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION (Dec. 14, 2014).

Police Culture Must Change to Prevent Future Fergusons (with Audrey T. McCluskey), PROVIDENCE (R.I.) JOURNAL (Sept. 15, 2014).

Fear of the Stranger, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (July 16, 2013).