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Amy Applegate

Faculty Bibliography for Amy Applegate


Amy G. Applegate

Clinical Professor of Law, Ralph F. Fuchs Faculty Fellow, and Director, Viola J. Taliaferro Family and Children Mediation Clinic


Intimate partner violence and custody decisions: A randomized controlled trial of outcomes from family court, shuttle mediation, and videoconferencing mediation. Research Monograph. (with Amy Holtzworth-Munroe, et al.), Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice (2020).


International Judicial Symposium on Family Court Reform: Final Report (with Barbara A. Babb), 62 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 276 (2024).

Online Parenting Education for Divorcing and Separating Parents: Understanding Who Participates in Court-Affiliated Programs (with Claire S. Tomlinson, Maya L. Carter, Brittany N. Rudd, Anjolii Diaz, & Amy Holtzworth-Munroe), 33 JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES 568 (2024). 

Intimate Partner Violence Predicting Outcomes in Specialized Mediation and Traditional Litigation (with Holly H. Gifford, Lily J. Jiang, Connie J. Beck, Jeannie M. Adams, Fernanda S. Rossi, Claire S. Tomlinson & Amy Holzworth-Munroe), JOURNAL OF FAMILY VIOLENCE (2023).

Intimate Partner Violence Screening for Separating or Divorcing Parents: An Introduction to the Mediator's Assessment of Safety Issues and Concerns-Short (MASIC-S) (with Fernanda S. Rossi, Claire S. Tomlinson & Amy Holzworth-Munroe), 62 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 15 (2023).

Parents Reporting Partner Violence: Reaching or Not Reaching Agreement in Mediation or Litigating without Mediation, (with Lily J. Jiang, et al.), 40 CONFLICT RESOLUTION QUARTERLY 429 (2023). [HeinOnline]

Evaluation of Court-Initiated Randomized Controlled Trial of Online Parent Programs for Divorcing and Separating Parents (with Claire S. Tomlinson, Brittany N. Rudd, Anjolii Diaz & Amy Holtzworth-Munroe) 37 JOURNAL OF FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY 65 (2023). 

Lessons for a COVID-19 Era: Barriers and Facilitators to Court Ordered Online Parenting Programs for Divorcing and Separating Parents, (Claire S. Tomlinson, et al.), 60 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 303 (2022). [HeinOnline]

FCR Special Issue on Covid-19 Pandemic, (with Alexandra Crampton & Barbara Glesner Fines), 60 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 163 (2022). [HeinOnline]

Predictors of Attendance at Court-Referred Shuttle or Videoconferencing Mediation among Separating or Divorcing Parents Reporting High Levels of Intimate Partner Violence, (with Lily J. Jiang, et al.), 60 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 98 (2022). [HeinOnline]

Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Family Mediation: An Examination of Multiple Methodological Approaches Using Item Response Theory (with Fernanda S. Rossi, Connie J. Beck, Christine Timko, Amy Holzworth-Munroe). 29 ASSESSMENT (2022).

Preparing Mediators to Mediate Cases Reporting High IPV in a Randomized Controlled Trial: The Importance of a Mediation Manual, Training, and Consultation (with Connie J. Beck, et al.), 59 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 725 (2021). [HeinOnline]

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Family Dispute Resolution: 1-Year Follow-up Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Shuttle Mediation, Video-Conferencing Mediation, and Litigation (with Amy Holtzworth-Munroe, et al.), 27 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY, AND LAW 581 (Feb. 2021). [HeinOnline]

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Family Dispute Resolution: A randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Shuttle Mediation, Video-Conferencing Mediation, and Litigation (with Amy Holtzworth-Munroe, et al.), 27 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY, AND LAW 45 (Feb. 2021). [HeinOnline]

In a Time of Great Need, a New, Shorter Tool Helps Screen for Intimate Partner Violence (with Fernanda S. Rossi, et al.), 26 DISPUTE RESOLUTION MAGAZINE 29 (Sept. 2020). [HeinOnline]

Subtypes of Violent Separating or Divorcing Couples Seeking Family Mediation and Their Association with Personality and Criminality Characteristics (with F.S. Rossi, et al.), 10 PSYCHOLOGY OF VIOLENCE 390 (Jul. 2020).

Underestimating the Unrepresented: Cognitive Biases Disadvantage Pro Se Litigants in Family Law Cases (with Kathryn M. Kroeper,, 26 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY, AND LAW 198 (May 2020). [HeinOnline]

New Services for Families in the DC Superior Court, (with Jeannie M. Adams,, 25 DISPUTE RESOLUTION MAGAZINE 20 (Spring 2019). [HeinOnline]

Predictors of Initial Agreement and One-year Re-litigation in Title IV-D Contested Paternity Cases (with A.R. Poladian,, 55 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 243 (2017). [HeinOnline]

Randomized Control Trial Follow Up: Online Parent Program and Waiting Period for Unmarried Parents in Title IV-D Court (with Brittany N. Rudd,, 31 JOURNAL OF FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY 381 (2017).

Shuttle and Online Mediation: A Review of Available Research and Implications for Separating Couples Reporting Intimate Partner Violence or Abuse (with Fernanda S. Rossi,, 55 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 390 (2017). [HeinOnline]

Associations Between Parent and Child Reports of Interparental Conflict/Violence and Child Difficulties in a Family Mediation Setting (with Brittany N. Rudd,, 53 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 602 (2015). [HeinOnline]

Child-informed Mediation Study Follow Up: Comparing the Frequency of Relitigation Following Difference Types of Mediation, (with Brittany N. Rudd, 21 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY, AND LAW 452 (2015). [HeinOnline]

Detection of Intimate Partner Violence and Recommendation for Joint Family Mediation: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Two Screening Measures, (with Fernanda S. Rossi, 21 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY, AND LAW 239 (2015). [HeinOnline]

Does Level of Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse Predict the Content of Family Mediation Agreements (with Fernanda S. Rossi and Amy Holtzworth-Munroe), 53 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 134 (2015). [HeinOnline]

Randomized Control Trial: Online Parent Program and Waiting Period for Unmarried Parents in Title IV-D Court(with Brittany N. Rudd,, 29 JOURNAL OF FAMILY PSYCOLOGY 679 (2015).

Mediator's Assessment of Safety Issues and Concerns (MASIC): Reliability and Validity of a New Intimate Partner Violence Screen (with Viktoria Pokman,, 21 ASSESSMENT 529 (2014).

Interdisciplinary Psychology and Law Training in Family and Child Mediation: An Empirical Study of the Effects on Law Student Mediators (with Amy Holtzworth-Munroe,, 13 no. 3 JOURNAL OF THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING AND LEARNING 82 (2013).

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Child-Informed Mediation (with Robin H. Ballard,, 19 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY, AND LAW 271 (2013). [HeinOnline]

Self-Represented Parties in Mediation: Fifty Years Later It Remains the Elephant in the Room (with Connie J.A. Beck), 51 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 87 (2013). [HeinOnline]

Comparing the Mediation Agreements of Families with and without a History of Intimate Partner Violence (with John W. Putz,, 50 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 413 (2012). [HeinOnline]

Detecting Intimate Partner Violence in Family and Divorce Mediation: A Randomized Trial of Intimate Partner Violence Screening (with Robin H. Ballard,, 17 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY, AND LAW 241 (2011). [HeinOnline]

Factors Affecting the Outcome of Divorce and Paternity Mediations (with Robin H. Ballard,, 49 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 16 (2011). [HeinOnline]

Child Informed Mediation Study (CIMS): Incorporating the Child's Perspective into Divorce Mediation in an American Pilot Study (with John Bates, et al.), 16 JOURNAL OF FAMILY STUDIES 116 (2010). 

Divorce Mediation with and without Legal Representation: A Focus on Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (with Robin H. Ballard,, 48 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 631 (2010). [HeinOnline]

Guest Editor's Introduction, 48 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 603 (2010). 

The Mediator's Assessment of Safety Issues and Concerns (MASIC): A Screening Interview for Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse Available in the Public Domain (with Connie J.A. Beck and Amy Holtzworth-Munroe), 48 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 646 (2010). [HeinOnline]

Family Dispute Resolution: Charting a Course for the Future (with Brian D'Onofrio and Amy Holtzworth-Munroe), 47 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 493 (July 2009). [HeinOnline]

Indiana's Latest Study of the Legal Needs of the Poor (with Monica A. Fennell), 53 no. 2 RES GESTAE 46 (Sept. 2009). [HeinOnline]

Training and Transforming Students through Interdisciplinary Education: The Intersection of Law and Psychology (with Brian D'Onofrio and Amy Holtzworth-Munroe), 47 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 468 (July 2009). [HeinOnline]

Unequal Access to Justice: A Comprehensive Study of the Civil Legal Needs of the Poor in Indiana, (Editor and Contributor) sponsored by Indiana Legal Services, the Indiana Bar Foundation, and the Indiana State Bar Association (July 2009). 

Disclosure Issues in Securities Law Enforcement Against Financial Institutions, (with Gary Lynch; published in various bar publications) (1984).

Prosecutorial Discretion and Discrimination in the Decision to Charge, 55 TEMPLE LAW QUARTERLY 35 (1982). [HeinOnline]

Note. Pen Registers After Smith v. Maryland (with John Applegate), 15 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 753 (1980). [HeinOnline]

Book Chapters

The Challenges of and Opportunities for Engaging with Unmarried Parents in Court-Ordered, Online Parenting Programs (with C.S. Tomlinson, et al.), in NEW RESEARCH ON PROGRAMS FOR LOW-INCOME FATHERS (J. Fagan and J. Pearson, Eds.). Routledge, 2021.

Hearing the Voice of the Child in Divorce (with Robin H. Ballard, in PSYCHOLOGY, LAW AND THE WELLBEING OF CHILDREN (Monica K. Miller,, Eds.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Fathers and Dispute Resolution (with Katherine Schwartz and Amy Holtzworth-Munroe) in HANDBOOK OF FATHER INVOLVEMENT: MULTIDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES, 2nd Ed. (N.J. Cabrera and C.S. Tamis-LeMonda, Eds.). New York: Routledge, 2012.

Book Reviews

Book Review. Goldberg, Stephen B.,,  How Mediation Works: Theory, Research, and Practice56 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 506 (2018).

Editorials and Commentaries

Guest Editor's Introduction, Special Issue: Ensuring Access to Justice for Self-Represented, 48 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 604 (2010).