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Pamela Foohey

Faculty bibliography for Professor Foohey


Pamela Foohey

Associate Professor of Law


Fintech's Role in Exacerbating or Reducing the Wealth Gap (with Nathalie Martin), 2021 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW 459 (2021). [HeinOnline]

Bursting the Auto Loan Bubble in the Wake of COVID-19, 106 IOWA LAW REVIEW 2215 (2021). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Consumers' Declining Power in the Fintech Auto Loan Market, BROOKLYN JOURNAL OF CORPORATE, FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL LAW (Forthcoming 2021). [SSRN]

Consumer Bankruptcy Should be Increasingly Irrelevant - Why Isn't It?, 36 EMORY BANKRUPTCY DEVELOPMENTS JOURNAL 653 (2020). [HeinOnline]

Symposium: Bringing Relevance Back to Consumer Bankruptcy: Consumer Bankruptcy Panel, 36 EMORY BANKRUPTCY DEVELOPMENTS JOURNAL 553 (2020). [HeinOnline]

Driven to Bankruptcy (with Robert M. Lawless & Deborah Thorne), 55 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 287 (2020). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Folly of Credit as Pandemic Relief (with Dalie Jimenez & Christopher K. Odinet), 68 UCLA LAW REVIEW DISCOURSE 126 (2020). [HeinOnline]

Cares Act Gimmicks: How Not to Give People Money During a Pandemic and What to Do Instead (with Dalie Jimenez & Christopher K. Odinet), 2020 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW ONLINE 81 (2020). [HeinOnline]

Fines, Fees, and Filing Bankruptcy, 98 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 419 (Jan. 2020). [HeinOnline]

The Debt Collection Pandemic (with Dalie Jimenez & Christopher K. Odinet), 11 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW ONLINE 222 (2020). [HeinOnline]

Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy: Fallout from Life in a Risk Society (with Deborah Thorne,, 20 SOCIOLOGICAL INQUIRY 1 (2019). [SSRN]

Medical Bankruptcy: Still Common Despite the Affordable Care Act, (with David U. Himmelstein, et. al.), 109 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 431 (2019).

A New Deal for Debtors: Providing Procedural Justice in Consumer Bankruptcy60 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW REVIEW 2297 (2019). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Access to Consumer Bankruptcy, 34 EMORY BANKRUPTCY DEVELOPMENTS JOURNAL 341 (2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Jevic's Promise: Procedural Justice in Chapter 11, 93 WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW ONLINE 128 (Dec. 6, 2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Life in the Sweatbox (with Robert M. Lawless, et. al.), 94 NOTRE DAME LAW REVIEW 219 (2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Attorneys' Fees and Chapter Choice: Exploring "No Money Down" Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (with Robert M. Lawless and Katherine Porter), 36 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY INSTITUTE JOURNAL 20 (June 2017). [SSRN]

Calling on the CFPB for Help: Telling Stories and Consumer Protection, 80 no.3 LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS 177 (2017). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Consumer Credit in America: Past, Present, and Future (with Jim Hawkins,, 80 no.3 LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS 1 (2017). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Lender Discrimination, Black Churches, and Bankruptcy, 54 HOUSTON LAW REVIEW 1079 (2017). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

"No Money Down" Bankruptcy (with Robert M. Lawless,, 90 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 1055 (2017). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Secured Credit in Religious Institutions' Reorganizations, 2015 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW SLIP OPINIONS 1 (2015). [SSRN]

When Faith Falls Short: Bankruptcy Decisions of Churches, 76 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 1319 (2015). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

When Churches Reorganize, 88 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW JOURNAL 277 (2014). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Bankrupting the Faith, 78 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 719 (2013). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Chapter 11 Reorganization And The Fair And Equitable Standard: How The Absolute Priority Rule Applies To All Nonprofit Entities, 86 ST. JOHN’S LAW REVIEW 31 (2012). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

The Chapter 15 Two-Step: Shall We Dance? (with Eric Lopez Schnabel), 30-5 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY INSTITUTE JOURNAL 34-35, 81 (2011). [SSRN] [Selected Works]

ADA Employment Discrimination Claims Addressed in Rederford v. US Airways (with Eric Lopez Schnabel), 29-2 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY INSTITUTE JOURNAL 16, 68-69 (2010). [SSRN] [Selected Works]

Paying Women For Their Eggs For Use In Stem Cell Research, 30 PACE LAW REVIEW 900 (2010). [SSRN] [ HeinOnline]

Recent Developments in Judicial Estoppel and Dismissal of Employment Discrimination Suits, 29-10 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY INSTITUTE JOURNAL 20, 74-75 (2010). [SSRN] [Selected Works]

Child Support And (In)ability To Pay: The Case For The Cost Shares Model, 13 UC DAVIS JOURNAL OF JUVENILE LAW & POLICY 35 (2009). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

In Re SemCrude LP: Reigning in Triangular Setoff and Preserving Creditor Equality, 28-2 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY INSTITUTE JOURNAL 44-46, 85 (2009). [SSRN] [Selected Works]

Applying the Lessons of GPS Monitoring of Batterers to Sex Offenders, 43 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 281 (2008). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Potential National Voluntary Gamete Donor Registry Discussed at Recent Health Law Symposium, 36 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 597 (2008). [HeinOnline]

Book Chapters

Debt's Emotional Encumbrances  in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON LAW AND EMOTION (Jody Lynee Madeira,, Eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, Forthcoming 2020. [SSRN]

Editorials & Commentaries

How Government Rules Prevent Poor Americans from Saving (with Sara S. Greene), Politico (Sept. 3, 2020).

Bankruptcy Courts Ill-Prepared for Pandemic Tsunami (with Paige Marta Skiba et al.), Minnesota Lawyer (May 20, 2020)

Hiding Complaints About Wall St. Benefits Mulvaney Donors (with Amy Schmitz). LAW 360 (June 11, 2018).

Blog Posts

The Conversation -- The Conversation: Academic rigor, journalistic flair "is a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good. We publish trustworthy and informative articles written by academic experts for the general public and edited by our team of journalists." (About)

Bankruptcy Courts Ill-prepared for Tsunami of People Going Broke From Coronavirus Shutdown (with Paige Marta Skiba, Dalié Jiménez, Michelle McKinnon Miller, and Sara Sternberg Greene) (May 13, 2020).

By Filing for Bankruptcy, the Boy Scouts May Compensate More Survivors of Sexual Abuse (Feb. 24, 2020).

How Bankruptcy can Help USA Gymnastics and the Boy Scouts Compensate More Survivors (Feb. 8, 2019).

Credit Slips -- Credit Slips: A Discussion on Credit, Finance, and Bankruptcy is a blog of fourteen academics who discuss and debate issues related to credit, bankruptcy, consumers, and financial institutions.

Dissecting the Increase in Chapter 11 Filings (Jan. 15, 2021).

74 Law Professors Sign Letter in Support of the Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act (Dec. 14, 2020).

Update on Churches Filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (Nov. 4, 2020).

Taub's New Book on White Collar Crime (and its connection to bankruptcy) (Oct. 15, 2020).

Bankruptcy, Credit, and Finance Panels at Upcoming AALS Meeting (Sept. 11, 2020).

The Resurgence of Calls for Financial Literacy (Apr. 30, 2020).

Save the Date: 3rd Annual Consumer Law Scholars Conference (Apr. 21, 2020).

Coronavirus Will Hasten the Shift to App-Based Banking and Lending. How Will That Affect People's Pocketbooks? (Apr. 14, 2020).

Treasury Must Act Now to Protect Relief Payments from Debt Collectors (Apr. 8, 2020).

Boy Scouts is on a Path to Upset Survivors. It Doesn't Have to Be. (Feb. 22, 2020).

The Boy Scouts of America Filed Chapter 11 ... in Delaware??? (Feb. 19, 2020).

Consumer Bankruptcy, Done Correctly, To Help Struggling Americans (Jan. 7, 2020).

Supreme Court Grants Cert to Decide Fate of Repossessed Cars in Bankruptcy (Dec. 19, 2019).

There's Still Time to Register for NCBJ 2019 (Sept. 19, 2019).

Driven to Bankruptcy -- New Research from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project (Sept. 16, 2019).

Ditech, Reverse Mortgages, Consumer Concerns, and Section 363 (o) (Aug. 30, 2019).

Counting Healthcare Chapter 11 Filings: Are There More Than Expected? (with Kelsey Brandes) (May 23, 2019).

Liked Evicted? -- Read Maid (Feb. 5, 2019).

Procedural Justice and Corporate Reorganization (Dec. 11, 2018).

Update on Catholic Dioceses's Chapter 11 Filings, Fall 2018 Edition (Nov. 19, 2018).

New Consumer Law Conference -- Call for Papers (Sept. 6, 2018).

Pets and Financial Distress (Aug. 24, 2018).

Older Americans' Rising Bankruptcy Filings (Aug. 6, 2018).

Access to Justice, Consumer Bankruptcy Edition (June 26, 2018).

More on "Undue Hardship" and Student Loans in Bankruptcy (May 25, 2018).

Tax Reform and Nonprofit Bankruptcy (Apr. 17, 2018).

Education Department Request for Information on Student Loan Discharge in Bankruptcy (Feb. 28, 2018).

People's Pre-Bankruptcy Struggles -- New Paper from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project (Feb. 20, 2018).

Other (Non-Religious) Non-Profit Organizations Also File Bankruptcy (Feb. 16, 2018).

Churches Are Still Filing Bankruptcy (Feb. 15, 2018).

Lularoe, Other Multi-Level Marketing Companies, and Bankruptcy Filings (Nov. 11, 2017).

Lessons for the #BankBlack Movement from Mehrsa Baradaran's New Book (Oct. 2, 2017).

More on Personal Debt and Multilevel Marketing Companies (Aug. 8, 2017).

Taking Online Dispute Resolution to the Next Level (May 26, 2017).

New Report on Car Insurance Redlining (Apr. 7, 2017).

New Article from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project: Attorneys' Fees and Chapter Choice (Mar. 6, 2017).

Two Books About Selling Math and Its Consequences for Inequality (Feb. 20, 2017).

Scarcity, Money, and Undocumented Immigrants (Jan. 16, 2017).

How Consumers Use the CFPB's Complaint Function (Dec. 12, 2016).

Linking Pyramid Schemes (aka Multilevel Marketing Companies) and Consumer Bankruptcy (Nov. 21, 2016).

CFPB Consumer Complaint Narratives: What They Say About Bankruptcy (Sept. 6, 2016).

The Financial Lives of Undocumented Immigrants (Feb. 25, 2016).

Initial Attorney Reactions to the New Bankruptcy Forms (Dec. 4, 2015).

Longest Running Catholic Archdiocese Chapter 11 Case Finally Ends (Nov. 10, 2015).

It Is Very Expensive to Be Poor (Sept. 4, 2015).

Advertising and Payday and Title Lending: How Do Lenders Target Borrowers? (Sept. 13, 2015).

Notifying Potential Claimants in Diocese Chapter 11 Cases (June 30, 2015).

Searching CFPB Consumer Narratives (June 26, 2015).

Postpetition Wages Held by Chapter 13 Trustee Belong to Debtor Upon Conversion (May 18, 2015).

That New Song About Bills (May 8, 2015).

Secured Credit, Churches, and Reorganization (Apr. 20, 2015).

Auto Title Loans: Like Payday Loans, But Larger and Riskier (Mar. 25, 2015).

Archdiocese's Potential Fraudulent Transfer Not Protected by RFRA, First Amendment (Mar. 9, 2015).

Churches as an Alternative to Payday Lenders (Jan. 12, 2015).

Bankruptcy Attorney Advertising in the Digital Age (Jan. 1, 2015).

Prepaid Card Use on the Rise Among Unbanked and Underbanked (Nov. 6, 2014).

Online Payday Loans Cost More Than Storefront Payday Loans and Customers Are Harassed More Egregiously (Oct. 4, 2014).

Now Might Be the Time for the Longest Pending Catholic Diocese Chapter 11 Case to Settle (Sept. 7, 2014). 

Lessons From Postal Banking's Past (Aug. 18, 2014).

Small-Dollar Loans to Servicemembers, the Electronics Version (or an Easy Way to Get Around the Military Lending Act) (July 30, 2014).

Do Debtors or Creditors Get Undisbursed Chapter 13 Plan Payments Upon Conversion? -- A New Circuit Split (July 11, 2014).

What's Behind All the Credit Card Debt Discharged through Bankruptcy? (May 9, 2014).

I Am Approved for a Payday Loan (May 2, 2014).

Just Punch My Bankruptcy Ticket (Apr. 18, 2014).

New Data and Thoughts on Payday and Other Alternative Lending (Mar. 27, 2014).

Attorneys' Advice on Representing Religious Organizations in Chapter 11 (Feb. 28, 2014).

Health Care Reform and Household Financial Stability (Feb. 4, 2014).

Are Churches Slowly Recovering? (Jan. 25, 2014).

My Consumer Tips -- Created by Amy J. Schmitz (Univ. of Missouri School of Law), My Consumer Tips is part of a larger non-profit project that aims to provide helpful and independent consumer information.

Filing Bankruptcy? Make Sure You Double-Check Debt Collectors' Submitted Claims (May 16, 2017).

More Evidence That Americans Want Payday Loans Regulated, and in Certain Ways (Apr. 24, 2017).

Can You Believe That Free Credit Score? (Apr. 19, 2017).

Getting Car Insurance? Your Zip Code Matters (Apr. 9, 2017).

Other Publications

Comments of Financial Regulation and Consumer Protection Scholars, and Former Regulators on CFPB's RFI Regarding Bureau Public Reporting Practices of Consumer Complaint Information (with Angela K. Littwin and Amy Schmitz). (Docket No. CFPB-2018-0006).

Comments of Academics to Department of Education's RFI Regarding Evaluating Undue Hardship Claims in Adversary Actions Seeking Student Loan Discharge in Bankruptcy Proceedings (with Dalié Jiménez, (Docket No. Ed-2017-Ope-0085).