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Jerome Hall


Jerome Hall

Professor Emeritus of Law, 1970-1992; Professor of Law, 1939-1970

Bar Examinations, 3 DAKOTA LAW REVIEW 43 (1930). [HeinOnline]

Meeting of the Association of American Law Schools, 3 DAKOTA LAW REVIEW 46 (1930). [HeinOnline]

Social Science as an Aid to Administration of the Criminal Law, 3 DAKOTA LAW REVIEW 285 (1931). [HeinOnline]

Analysis of Criticism of the Grand Jury, 22 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 692 (1932). [HeinOnline]

Has the State a Right to Trial by Jury in Criminal Cases? 18 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 226 (1932). [HeinOnline]

Law as a Social Discipline, 7 TEMPLE LAW QUARTERLY 63 (1932). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in 9 BAR BRIEFS 92 (1932).

Some Basic Problems in Criminology, 167 ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 119 (1933).

Federal Anti-Theft Legislation, 1 LAW & CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS 424 (1934). [HeinOnline]

Criminology and a Modern Penal Code, 27 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 1 (1936). [HeinOnline]

Edward Livingston and His Louisiana Penal Code, 22 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 191 (1936). [HeinOnline]

The Law of Arrest in Relation to Contemporary Social Problems, 3 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW 345 (1936). [HeinOnline]

Legal and Social Aspects of Arrest Without a Warrant, 49 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 566 (1936). [HeinOnline]

Nulla Poena Sine Lege, 47 YALE LAW JOURNAL 165 (1937). [HeinOnline]

Committee on the Survey of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, 29 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 562 (1938). [HeinOnline]

Forum Juridicum: Recent Penal Legislation, 1 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW 541 (1939). [HeinOnline]

Work of Louisana Supreme Court, 1937-38 Term: Criminal Law and Procedure, 1 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW 371 (1939). [HeinOnline]

Criminal Attempt--A Study of Foundations of Criminal Liability, 49 YALE LAW JOURNAL 789 (1940). [HeinOnline]

On Research in Law--A Challenge and a Proposal, 2 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW 479 (1940). [HeinOnline]


Drunkenness as a Criminal Offense, 1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF STUDIES OF ALCOHOL 751 (1941). Reprinted in 32 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 297 (1941). [HeinOnline]

Prolegomena to a Science of Criminal Law, 89 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW 549 (1941). [HeinOnline]

The New Federal Criminal Rules: Objectives of Federal Criminal Procedural Revision, 51 YALE LAW JOURNAL 723 (1942). [HeinOnline]

A Proposal for Co-operative Research on the Bill of Rights, 2 BILL OF RIGHTS REVIEW 280 (1942). [HeinOnline]

A 2-2-2 Plan for College-Law Education, 56 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 245 (1942). [HeinOnline]

The Youth Correction Authority Act--Progress or Menace? 28 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 317 (1942). [HeinOnline]

Interrelations of Criminal Law and Torts: I, 43 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 753 (1943). [HeinOnline]

Interrelations of Criminal Law and Torts: II, 43 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 967 (1943). [HeinOnline]

Intoxication and Criminal Responsibility, 57 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 1045 (1944). [HeinOnline]

Mental Disease and Criminal Responsibility, 45 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 677 (1945). [HeinOnline]

Toward a Liberal Legal Education, 30 IOWA LAW REVIEW 394 (1945). [HeinOnline]

Criminal Law and Procedure, 21 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 391 (1946). [HeinOnline]

Report of the State Penal and Correctional Survey Commission (with John Ruckelshaus and Telford Orbison), 24 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1 (1948). [HeinOnline]

Concerning the Nature of Positive Law, 58 YALE LAW JOURNAL 545 (1949). [HeinOnline]

A Pedagogical Discovery Via the Seminar, 2 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 209 (1949). [HeinOnline]

The Place and Uses of Jurisprudence: Introductory Remarks, 1 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 475 (1949). [HeinOnline]

Law and Religion--A Commencement Address, 132 CHRISTIAN LEADER 343 (1950).

The Challenge of Jurisprudence--To Build a Science and Philosophy of Law, 37 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 23 (1951). [HeinOnline]

Dean O. H. Thormodsgard - Commendation27 NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW 5 (1951). [HeinOnline]

An Open Letter Proposing a School of Cultural Studies, 4 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 181 (1951). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in 45 AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW 1157 (1951).

Postscript: Proposals for a Long-Range Program, 25 CONNECTICUT BAR JOURNAL 294 (1951). [HeinOnline]

The Proposal to Prepare a Model Penal Code, 4 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 91 (1951). [HeinOnline]

Codification of the Criminal Law, 38 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 952 (1952). [HeinOnline]

Science and Reform in Criminal Law, 100 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW 787 (1952). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in READINGS IN PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953.

What Should Be the Relation of Morals to Law? [panel discussion], 1 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC LAW 259, 300 (1952). [HeinOnline]

Police and Law in a Democratic Society 28 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 133 (1953). [HeinOnline]

Some Basic Questions Regarding Legal Classification for Professional and Scientific Purposes, 5 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 329 (1953). [HeinOnline]

Unification of Political and Legal Theory, 69 POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY 15 (1953).

Revision of Criminal Law--Objectives and Methods, 33 NEBRASKA LAW REVIEW 383 (1954). [HeinOnline]

Criminal Responsibility of Governments and Their Organs in International Law, 1 LAW AND ECONOMICS 157 (1955).

Ignorantia Legis, 26 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PENAL 293 (1955).

The Scholarship of Professor George Dession, 5 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 7 (1955). [HeinOnline]

Teaching Law by Case Method and Lecture, 3 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC TEACHERS OF LAW 99 (1955). [HeinOnline]

American Tendencies in Legal Philosophy and the Definition of "Law," 3 COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW OF JAPAN 1 (1956).

Law and the Intellectuals, 9 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 8 (1956). [HeinOnline]

Plato's Legal Philosophy, 31 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 171 (1956). [HeinOnline]

El Progresso du Law Teoria Juridica Nortamericana Durante los Ultimos Cincuenta Anos, 20 REVISTA DEL COLEGIO DE ABOGADOS DEL DISTRITO FEDERAL 157 (1956).

Psychiatry and Criminal Responsibility, 65 YALE LAW JOURNAL 761 (1956). [HeinOnline]

Responsiblity and Law: In Defense of the McNaghten Rules, 42 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 917 (1956). [HeinOnline]

Ignorance and Mistake in Criminal Law, 33 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1 (1957). [HeinOnline]

Frank E. Horack, Jr., 33 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 150 (1958). [HeinOnline]

A Law Teacher's Tour Around the World, 34 NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW 297 (1958). [HeinOnline]

Mental Disease and Criminal Responsibility--M'Naughten versus Durham and the American Law Institute's Tentative Draft, 33 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 212 (1958) [ HeinOnline]

The Present Position of Jurisprudence in the United States, 44 VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW 321 (1958). [HeinOnline] Translated as La Position Presente de la Philosophie du Droit aux Etats- Unis, in MELANGES EN L'HONNEUR DE PAUL ROUBIER. Paris: Librairies Dalloz & Sirey, 1961.

Reason and Reality in Jurisprudence, 7 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 351 (1958). [HeinOnline] Translated as RAZON Y REALIDAD EN EL DERECHO. Buenos Aires: R. Depalma, 1959. Translated as Vers une Philosophie Integrative du Droit, in MELANGES EN L'HONNEUR DE JEAN DABIN. Brussels: Emile Bruylant, 1963.

Filosofia Juridica Integrativa, 2 INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA DEL DERECHO Y SOCIOLOGIA 25 (1961).

A Latin American Lecture-Conference Tour, 13 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 425 (1961). [HeinOnline]

Legal Sanctions, 6 NATURAL LAW FORUM 119 (1961). [HeinOnline]

The Psychiatrist and Crime: A Threat to Society? 1 THE NATIONAL OBSERVER 8 (Aug. 20, 1962).

The Scientific and Humane Study of Criminal Law, 42 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 267 (1962). [HeinOnline]

The M'Naughten Rules and Proposed Alternatives, 49 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 960 (1963). [HeinOnline]

Negligent Behavior Should Be Excluded from Penal Liability, 63 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 632 (1963). [HeinOnline]

Les Theories de M. Jerome Hall sur les Principes Generaux du Droit Penal et sur le Probleme des Delits Involontaires (with Flatau-Shuster), 18 REVUE DE SCIENCE CRIMINELLE ET DE DROIT PENAL COMPARE 323 (1963).

From Legal Theory to Integrative Jurisprudence, 33 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 153 (1964). [HeinOnline]

Analytic Philosophy and Jurisprudence, 77 ETHICS 14 (1966). Translated as Filosofia Analitica y Teoria del Derecho, 7 BOLETIN MEXICANO DE DERECHO COMPARADO 82 (1974).

Comparative Law and Jurisprudence, 16 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 61 (1966). [HeinOnline]

Theoretical Considerations and Practical Proposals, 19 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 193 (1966). [HeinOnline]

Psychiatric Criminology: Is It a Valid Marriage? The Legal View, 16 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 349 (1967). [HeinOnline]

Science and Morality of Criminal Law, 9 ARIZONA LAW REVIEW 360 (1968). [HeinOnline]

Theft, Law and Society--1968, 54 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 960 (1968). [HeinOnline]

Filosofia Analitica y Jurisprudencia, 1970 INSTITUTO DE DEL DERECHO Y SOCIOLOGIA 1 (1970).

The Relationship Between the Ontological and the Normative Elements under Axiological Aspects, 6 ARCHIV FUR RECHTS- UND SOZIALPHILOSOPHIE (BEIHEFT) 125 (1970).

Justice in the 20th Century, 59 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 752 (1971). [HeinOnline]

Perennial Problems of Criminal Law, 1 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 15 (1973). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in FESTSCHRIFT FUR RICHARD LANGE ZUM 70. GEBURTSTAG. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1976.

Comment on Error Juris, 24 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 680 (1976). [HeinOnline]

Comment on Justification and Excuse, 24 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 638 (1976). [HeinOnline]

Comment on Structure and Theory, 24 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 615 (1976). [HeinOnline]

Integrative Jurisprudence, 27 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 779 (1976). [HeinOnline]

Symposium: The New German Penal Code (with W. J. Wagner), 24 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 589 (1976). [HeinOnline]

Religion, Law and Ethics--A Call for Dialogue, 29 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 1257 (1978). [HeinOnline]

Theory and Reform of Criminal Law, 29 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 893 (1978). [HeinOnline]

Comparative Law as Basic Research, 4 HASTINGS INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 189 (1980). [HeinOnline]

Biblical Atonement and Modern Criminal Law1 JOURNAL OF LAW AND RELIGION 279 (1983). [HeinOnline]. Reprinted in 65 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 694 (1987). [HeinOnline]

Chief Justice Traynor and Criminal Law, 35 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 817 (1984). [HeinOnline]

Paul, the Lawyer, on Law3 JOURNAL OF LAW AND RELIGION 331 (1985). [HeinOnline]

Reflections of an Octogenarian on Criminal Law and Criminology2 JUSTICE QUARTERLY 81 (1985). [HeinOnline]

Comment on Fikentscher's Papers--Modes of Thought in Law and Justice--A Preliminary Report on a Study in Legal Anthropology, 21 U. C. DAVIS LAW REVIEW 1001 (1988). [HeinOnline]