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Jeffrey Evans Stake

Faculty bibliography for Professor Stake

Book Chapter

Jeffrey E. Stake

Robert A. Lucas Chair and Professor of Law

Property Law Reflections of a Sense of Right and Wrong, in THE EVOLUTION OF MORALITY (Ranald D. Hansen and Todd K. Shackelford, Eds.). New York: Springer, 2015.

Just (and Efficient?) Compensation for Governmental Expropriations, in LAW, MIND, AND BRAIN (Michael Freeman and Oliver R Goodenough, Eds.) Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2009.

Upper West Side Story: The Symphony Space, Inc. v. Pergola Properties, Inc. 669 NE.2d 799 (1996), in PROPERTY STORIES 2nd Ed. (Gerald Korngold and Andrew Morriss, Eds.) New York: Foundation Press, 2009.

Participating in the Research Community (with Bridget Somekh et al.), in RESEARCH METHODS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES (Bridget Somekh and Cathy Lewin, Eds.). London: Sage Publications, 2004.

Decomposition of Property Rights, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW & ECONOMICS (Boudewijn Bouckaert and Gerrit de Geest, Eds.). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2000.

Inheritance Law and Land-Use Doctrines in 2 THE NEW PALGRAVE DICTIONARY OF ECONOMICS AND THE LAW (Peter Newman, Ed.). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 1998.

Response to Haskell: Academic Freedom, Tenure, and Student Evaluation of Faculty, electronic publication in 5 EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS ARCHIVES #8 (March 18, 1997). 

Loss Aversion and Involuntary Transfers of Title, in LAW AND ECONOMICS: NEW AND CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 4 of CRITIC OF INSTITUTIONS (Robin Paul Malloy and Christopher K. Braun, Eds.). New York: P. Lang, 1995.