Access Professor Morgan's author profiles on the following services:
Indiana's Government Information Day Focuses on Change, Access, & Continuity (with Sally Holterhoff), 36 JURISDOCS vi (Summer 2015).
Summary of Annual Meeting Program C-2: The Virtual Federal Depository Library Program: A Reality for the 21st Century, 27 THE CRIV SHEET 5 (November 2004).
Book Chapters
The Evolution of Government Documents, in LAW LIBRARIANSHIP IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY (Roy Balleste, et al., Eds.). Second Edition. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2014.
The Evolution of Government Documents, in LAW LIBRARIANSHIP IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY (Roy Balleste, et al., Eds.). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007.
Book Reviews
Book Review. Herman, Edward and Theodora Belniak. Locating U.S. Government Information Handbook, 108 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 655, 672 (2016). [HeinOnline]
Book Review. Gunning, J. and H. Szoke (Eds.), The Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology, 96 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 178 (2004). [HeinOnline]
Other Publications
Indiana Primary Resources (with Cindy Dabney), Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, 2010.
Legal Research & Writing Handouts on Secondary Sources, in 24th NATIONAL RESEARCH TEACH-IN INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES KIT, 2016.
Legislative History Research Presentations and Resource LIst, in 24th NATIONAL RESEARCH TEACH-IN INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES KIT, 2016.
Federal Legislative Research Quick Guide, in TRAINING RESOURCE KIT FOR THE 20th NATIONAL LEGAL RESEARCH TEACH-IN (Laura J. Ax-Fultz and David E. Lehmann, Eds.). 2012.
Legal Research Instruction Handouts, in ALL-SIS SOURCEBOOK FOR TEACHING LEGAL RESEARCH, 2012.
Online Sources for Administrative Regulations, in TRAINING RESOURCE KIT FOR THE 20th NATIONAL LEGAL RESEARCH TEACH-IN (Laura J. Ax-Fultz and David E. Lehmann, Eds.). 2012.
State Legislative History, in TRAINING RESOURCE KIT FOR THE 20th NATIONAL LEGAL RESEARCH TEACH-IN (Laura J. Ax-Fultz and David E. Lehmann, Eds.). 2012.
Regulatory History: Process and Documents (with Peter Hook), in TRAINING RESOURCE KIT FOR THE 17th NATIONAL LEGAL RESEARCH TEACH-IN (Gail A. Partin and David E. Lehmann, Eds.). 2009.