Professor of Law and Louis F. Niezer Faculty Fellow; Co-Director, Center for Law, Society & Culture
Access Professor Madeira's author profiles on the following services:
VOTE - What's at Stake: Guns, BLOOM MAGAZINE (Oct. 13, 2020).
The Influential Mind and the Power of Emotion over Essure Hysteroscopic Sterilization (with Steven R. Lindheim and John Petrozza), 112 FERTILITY AND STERILITY 1051 (Dec. 2019)
Social Media and Essure Hysteroscopic Sterilization: A Perfect Storm (with Steven R. Lindheim, et al.) 111 FERTILITY AND STERILITY 1105 (2019).
When the Second Amendment Threatens the First, Mass Shootings Are More Likely, THE HILL (Feb. 16, 2018).