Access Mr. Maben's author profiles on the following services:
TECHNICAL SERVICES LAW LIBRARIAN (Editor-in-Chief). Chicago: American Association of Law Libraries, 2013 - 2018.
Online Bibliographic Services Special Interest Section: From the Chair, 34 TECHNICAL SERVICES LAW LIBRARIAN 3 (Sept. 2008). [HeinOnline]
As Cataloging Goes, So Goes the Library, 31 TECHNICAL SERVICES LAW LIBRARIAN 5 (June 2006). [HeinOnline]
There is a Land in the Far Off West: Indiana Impressions of the Oregon Country in 1852, 20 COLUMBIA: THE MAGAZINE OF NORTHWEST HISTORY 32 (2006).
Gettysburg and the Michigan Cavalryman, 15 INDIANA GENEALOGIST 6 (March 2004).
OCLC Committee Column, TECHNICAL SERVICES LAW LIBRARIAN, September 2000 - June 2003.
Editor, Special Interest Section News column, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF LAW LIBRARIES NEWSLETTER, September 1993 - July 1996.
The Cataloging of Primary State Legal Material, 18 CATALOGING AND CLASSIFICATION QUARTERLY 103 (1994).
The Initiative and Referendum in Oregon: An Historical Perspective, 3 STATE CONSTITUTIONAL COMMENTARIES AND NOTES 18 (1992).