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Dawn Johnsen

Faculty bibliography for Professor Johnsen

Book Chapter

Dawn Johnsen

Walter W. Foskett Professor of Law

The Supreme Court's Legitimacy Crisis and Constitutional Democracy's Future, in DEMOCRACY UNCHAINED: HOW TO REBUILD GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLE (David W. Orr, et al., eds.). New York: The New Press, (2020). 

Maternal-Fetal Relationship: Legal and Regulatory Issues in BIOETHICS, 4th ed. (Stephen G. Post, Ed.). New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2014.

Department of Justice: Restoring Integrity and the Rule of Law, in CHANGE FOR AMERICA: A PROGRESSIVE BLUEPRINT FOR THE 44TH PRESIDENT (Mark Green and Michele Jolin, Eds.). New York: Basic Books, 2009.

A Progressive Reproductive Rights Agenda for 2020, in THE CONSTITUTION IN 2020 (Jack M Balkin and Reva V. Siegel, Eds.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

The Story of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: Trying Enemy Combatants by Military Commission, in PRESIDENTIAL POWER STORIES (Christopher Schroeder and Curtis Bradley, Eds.). New York: Foundation Press, 2009.

Abortion: A Mixed and Uncertain Legacy, in THE REHNQUIST LEGACY (Craig Bradley, Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (2006).

Judicial Supremacy Two Centuries After Marbury: The President and Congress and the Determination of Constitutional Meaning, in MARBURY V. MADISON 1803-2003: UN DIALOGUE FRANCO-AMERICAIN: ACTES DU COLLOQUE 28 FEVRIER - 1ER MARS 2003 (Elisabeth Zoller, Ed.). Paris: Dalloz, 2003.

Maternal-Fetal Relationship: Legal and Regulatory Issues, in 3 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOETHICS, Rev. Ed., (W. T. Reich, Ed.). New York: Macmillan, 1995. Reprinted in 3 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOETHICS, 3rd ed., (Stephen Post, Ed.). New York: Macmillan Reference, 2004.