Robert A. Lucas Chair of Law; Director of the Center for Intellectual Property Research
Access Professor Janis' author profiles on the following services:
Secondary Liability in U.S. Trademark Law: The Ambivalent Legacy of Warner v. Lilly, in BENTLY & BONE, HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES ON TRADEMARK LAW. Elgar: forthcoming 2022.
Trends in Functionality Jurisprudence: U.S. and E.U. Design Law (with Jason J. Du Mont) in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON DESIGN LAW (Henning Hartwig, ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.
Examining Functionality, in TRANSITION AND COHERENCE IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF ANNETTE KUR (Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Marianne Levin, & Ansgar Ohly, eds.). Cambridge University Press, 2021.
American Design Patent Law: A Legal History (with Jason J. DuMont) in DESIGN PATENT REMEDIES. New York: Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming 2018. [SSRN]
Functionality in U.S. Design Patent & Community Design Law (with Jason J. DuMont), in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON DESIGN LAW. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Forthcoming 2018. [SSRN]
US Design Patent Law: A Historical Look at the Design Patent/Copyright Interface (with Jason J. DuMont), in THE COPYRIGHT/DESIGN INTERFACE: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (Estelle Derclaye, Ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. [SSRN]
Non-Obvious Plants in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE LIFE SCIENCES (D. Matthews and H. Zech, Eds.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.
Patenting Plants: A Comparative Synthesis in PATENT LAW IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (R.L. Okediji and M.A. Bagley, Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Interfaces in Plant Intellectual Property, in OVERLAPPING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (Neil Wilkof and Shamnad Basheer, Eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Patent Pools, in ISSUES IN COMPETITION LAW AND POLICY VOL. ONE (Wayne Dale Collison, Ed.). Chicago: American Bar Association, 2008.
“Minimal” Standards for Patent/Antitrust Under TRIPs, in INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC GOODS & TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY UNDER A GLOBALIZED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REGIME (Keith Maskus and Jerome H. Reichman, Eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2005.
Unilateral Refusals to License in the US (with Herbert Hovenkamp and Mark A. Lemley), in ANTITRUST, PATENTS AND COPYRIGHT (Francois Leveque & Howard Shelanski, Eds.). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005.
Use, Constructive Use, and Registration in the United States (with Graeme B. Dinwoodie), in TRADE MARK USE (Jeremy Phillips and Ilanah Simon, Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University, 2005.
Intellectual Property Issues in Plant Breeding and Plant Biotechnology, in BIOTECHNOLOGY, GENE FLOW, AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: AN AGRICULTURAL SUMMIT . West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Pub. RB-995 (2002).
Themes in Federal Circuit Patent Jurisprudence, 2000-2001, in 7 INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW & POLICY (Hugh C. Hansen, Ed.) New York: Juris Publishing, 2002.