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David P. Fidler

Faculty bibliography for Professor Fidler

Editorials & Commentaries

David P. Fidler

James Louis Calamaras Emeritus Professor of Law, 2019-present ; Professor of Law, 1995-2019

The Labyrinth that is Palestine, INGRAM’S (Nov. 1994) at 47.

Breakfast with Yasser Arafat: Personal Reflections on the Peace Process, BILL OF PARTICULARS 9 (Winter 1996).

Economic Development, Foreign Investment, and the Peace Process: Recent Events Make Revision of the Palestinian Investment Law Even More Critical, 19 MIDDLE EAST EXECUTIVE REPORTS 8 (Nov. 1996). Excerpted in PALESTINE ECONOMIC PULSE 23 (July/Aug. 1997).

Controlling Infectious Diseases (with Wm. Lane Porter), 21 UPDATE ON LAW-RELATED EDUCATION 7 (1997).

On Mission in the Middle East: Reflections from Jerusalem and Ramallah, BILL OF PARTICULARS 5 (Spring 1997).

The Return of "Microbialpolitik"122 FOREIGN POLICY 80 (Jan./Feb. 2001).

International Legal Perspectives on the Sept. 11 Attacks on the United States, BILL OF PARTICULARS 19 (Spring 2002).

“Non-Lethal” Chemical Weapons, 20 ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 9 (2003).

GATS and Health-Related Services: Managing Liberalization of Trade in Services from a Health Policy Perspective (with Nick Drager), TRADE AND HEALTH NOTES, Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004.

Balancing Public Health and Bioterrorism (Letter to the Editor), WASHINGTON POST (Mar. 17, 2005).

Health, Human Security, and the Responsibility to Protect, HUMAN SECURITY BULLETIN (2006).

A World Led by India and China (with Sung Won Kim and Sumit Ganguly), FORBES (November 14, 2008).

India's Bombshell (with Sumit Ganguly), 154 NEWSWEEK (Dec. 14, 2009).

The Outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1) and International Law25 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW NEWSLETTER 6 (Apr./June 2009).

Singh's Shrewd Move: A Shift on India's Nuclear Policy (with Sumit Ganguly), 154 NEWSWEEK (Dec.14, 2009).

Take a Fresh Look (with Sumit Ganguly), TIMES OF INDIA (Dec. 10, 2009).

Vital Signs: Health and Foreign Policy65 WORLD TODAY 27 (Feb. 2009).

Biological Weapons and Public Health: Problems in the Theory and Practice of the Securitization of Public Health within the Biological Weapons Convention7th BWC Review Conference, BioWeapons Prevention Project, (Mar. 25, 2011).

The BWC and Bioterrorism: Getting Beyond Political Pragmatism and Policy Déjá Vu, 7th BMC Review Conference, BioWeapons Prevention Project, (Sept. 6, 2011).

The BWC's Role in Countering Bioterrorism: Critical or Falling Behind the Policy Curve?7th BWC Review Conference, BioWeapons Prevention Project, (Feb. 22, 2011).

Shadow of Sino-U.S. "New Normal" Falls on India (with Sumit Ganguly), TIMES OF INDIA (Jan. 21, 2011).

Specific Recommendations for Public Health at the BWC Seventh Review Conference7th BWC Review Conference, BioWeapons Prevention Project (May 9, 2011).

Ten Years After 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks: Reflections on their Meaning for Global Health2 HEALTH DIPLOMACY MONITOR 3 (Aug. 2011).

Stuxnet's Origins Decoded: Now We Know Who Did It, But What Does It Mean?Indiana University News Release, (June 1, 2012).

Tough Medicine for Health GovernanceG20 -- THE AUSTRALIA SUMMIT: BRISBANE (J. Kirton and M. Koch, Eds.). Newsdeck Media Group and G20 Research Group, 2014.

China Has Different Values on Cyberspace, and Even Those Are EvolvingTAMPA BAY TIMES (Feb. 7, 2016).

With Intel Fights, Trump Endangers U.S. Security, PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER (Jan. 17, 2017).