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Book Review. Robert L. Carter, A Matter of Law: A Memoir of Struggle in the Cause of Equal Rights, 31 VERMONT LAW REVIEW 925 (2007). [HeinOnline]
Book Review. Tushnet, Mark, Making Civil Rights Law: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court, 1936-1961, 48 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 456 (1998). [HeinOnline]
Book Review. Normative and Going Nowhere, Cookson, Peter W., School Choice: The Struggle for the Soul of American Education, 21 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY REVIEW OF LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE 791 (1995). [HeinOnline]
Book Review. Shapin, Constitutional Literacy: A Core Curriculum for a Multicultural Nation, 81 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY 1855 (1995).