Access Professor Barnes' author profiles on the following services:
Implementing Presidential Policy Agendas Administratively: A View from the Inside, 69 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW 586 (2009).
Implementing Environmental Programs, 18 PUBLIC PRODUCTIVITY & MANAGEMENT REVIEW (1993). (Guest Editor).
The Growing International Dimension to Environmental Issues, 13 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 389 (1988). [HeinOnline]
A Nonregulatory Challenge, 12 EPA JOURNAL 3 (Aug. 1986). [HeinOnline]
Toxic Victim Compensation, 9 EPA JOURNAL 15 (Dec. 1983). [HeinOnline]
The Indiana Judicial System: An Analysis and Some Renewed Proposals for Reform, 44 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 49 (1968). [HeinOnline]
The Law, the Credit Card and the Coming of the Cashless Society, 6 AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL 641 (1968); reprinted as When Cash Is Obsolete, 12 NEW JERSEY STATE BAR JOURNAL 184 (1968) and 12 NEW JERSEY STATE BAR JOURNAL 231 (1969).
Tax Treatment of Condemnation Proceeds: An Analysis and Some Proposals for Reform, 4 HARVARD JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION 325 (1967). [HeinOnline]