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Craig Bradley


Craig Bradley

Robert A. Lucas Professor of Law, 1979-2013


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 2nd ed. (with Yale Kamisar). [S.l.]: The Barrister Project, 1988.

THE FAILURE OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE REVOLUTION. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993.

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: A WORLDWIDE STUDY. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1999.

THE REHNQUIST LEGACY (Editor). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: A WORLDWIDE STUDY. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press (2007).


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: RECENT CASES ANALYZED, 2nd ed. St. Paul, MN: West Law School, 2010.



The Speech or Debate Clause: Bastion of Congressional Independence or Haven for Corruption?, 57 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 197 (1979). [HeinOnline]

Racketeers, Congress, and the Courts: An Analysis of RICO, 65 IOWA LAW REVIEW 837 (1980). [HeinOnline]

Constitutional Protection for Private Papers 16 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 461 (1981). [HeinOnline]

Griffin v. California: Still Viable After All These Years, 79 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW 1290 (1981). [HeinOnline]

Havens, Jenkins, and Salvucci and the Defendant’s Right to Testify, 18 AMERICAN CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW 419 (1981). [HeinOnline]

The Exclusionary Rule in Germany, 96 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 1032 (1983). [HeinOnline]

Racketeering and the Federalization of Crime, 22 AMERICAN CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW 213 (1984). [HeinOnline]

The “Good Faith Exception” Cases: Reasonable Exercises in Futility, 60 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 287 (1985). [HeinOnline]

Two Models of the Fourth Amendment, 83 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW 1468 (1985). [HeinOnline]

Studying Jury Response Behavior, 33 JOURNAL OF IRREPRODUCIBLE RESULTS 29 (1986).

The Uncertainty Principle in The Supreme Court, 1986 DUKE LAW JOURNAL 1 (1986). [HeinOnline]

Criminal Procedure in the Rehnquist Court: Has the Rehnquisition Begun?, 62 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 273 (1987). [HeinOnline]

Are State Courts Enforcing the Fourth Amendment?: A Preliminary Study, 77 GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL 251 (1988). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in 17 SEARCH AND SEIZURE LAW REPORT 9 (1990).

Foreword: Mail Fraud After McNally and Carpenter: The Essence of Fraud, 79 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 573 (1988). [HeinOnline]

Enforcing the Rules of Criminal Procedure: An American Perspective, 18 FEDERAL LAW REVIEW 188 (1989). [HeinOnline]

Legal Education in Australia: An American Perspective, 14 JOURNAL OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION 27 (1989). [HeinOnline]

Murray v. United States: The Bell Tolls for the Search Warrant Requirement, 64 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 907 (1989). [HeinOnline]

Criminal Procedure in the “Land of Oz”: Lessons for America, 81 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 99 (1990). [HeinOnline]


The Sixth Amendment Lives! A Reply to Professor Jonakait, 83 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 526 (1992). [HeinOnline]

The Emerging International Consensus as to Criminal Procedure Rules, 14 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 171 (1993). [HeinOnline]

Reforming the Criminal Trial, 68 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 659 (1993). [HeinOnline]

The Court’s “Two Model” Approach to the Fourth Amendment: Carpe Diem, 84 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 429 (1994). [HeinOnline]

N.O.W. v. Scheidler: RICO Meets the First Amendment, 1994 SUPREME COURT REVIEW 129. [HeinOnline]

The Right Not to Endorse Gay Rights: A Reply to Sunstein, 70 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 29 (1994). [HeinOnline]

A (Genuinely) Modest Proposal Concerning the Death Penalty, 72 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 25 (1996). [HeinOnline]

Public Perception, Justice, and the “Search for Truth” in Criminal Cases (with Joseph Hoffmann), 69 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 1267 (1996). [HeinOnline]

The Rule of Law in an Unruly Age, 71 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 949 (1996). [HeinOnline]

Untying the “State Action” Knot, 7 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY LEGAL ISSUES 223 (1996). [HeinOnline]

The Failure of the Criminal Procedure Revolution: A Reply, 47 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 129 (1997). [HeinOnline]

The Changing Face of Criminal Procedure, 35 TRIAL 84 (Oct. 1999).

The Fourth Amendment’s Iron Triangle: Consent, Standing, and ‘Searchability’, 35 TRIAL 75 (Aug. 1999).

Pennsylvania v. Scott: No Fourth Amendment Protection for Parolees, 35 TRIAL 89 (Apr. 1999).

Protection for Motorists—With a Loophole, 35 TRIAL 85 (Feb. 1999).

Silence at Sentencing (Mitchell v. United States), 35 TRIAL 87 (Nov. 1999).

Warrant Requirement Takes Another Blow, 35 TRIAL 101 (July 1999).

Whittling Away the Search Warrant Requirement, 35 TRIAL 85 (June 1999).

Behind the Dickerson Decision, 36 TRIAL 80 (Oct. 2000).

He Who Testifies Last, Testifies Best, 36 TRIAL 93 (June 2000).

The Limits of the Frisk, 36 TRIAL 69 (Aug. 2000).

The Miranda Flap, 36 TRIAL 87 (Feb. 2000).

NOW v. Scheidler, Round Two, 27 SYRACUSE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND COMMERCE 233 (2000). [HeinOnline]

The Wicked May Flee, But the Police May Stop Them, 36 TRIAL 84 (Apr. 2000).

Be Careful What You Ask for: The 2000 Presidential Election, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Law of Criminal Procedure (with Joseph Hoffman), 76 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 889 (2001). [HeinOnline]

Mapp Goes Abroad, 52 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 375 (2001). [HeinOnline]

Minor-Offense Arrests Get Green Light in Seat Belt Case, 37 TRIAL 66 (Aug. 2001).

No Property in Cleveland, 37 TRIAL 94 (Feb. 2001).

Preserving Evidence Pending a Search Warrant, 37 TRIAL 70 (June 2001).

Saying No To Drug Roadblocks, 37 TRIAL 80 (Apr. 2001).

Seas, Bogs, and Police Interrogation, 37 TRIAL 71 (Oct. 2001).

Court Gives School Drug-Testing an A, 38 TRIAL 56 (Dec. 2002).

The Court’s Curious Consent Search Doctrine, 38 TRIAL 72 (Oct. 2002).

The Court’s New Approach to the Fourth Amendment, 38 TRIAL 82 (Feb. 2002).

Protecting Children—and Free Speech, 38 TRIAL 80 (July 2002).

The Right to Unconflicted Counsel, 38 TRIAL 62 (June 2002).

South Carolina’s Death Penalty Odyssey Continues, 38 TRIAL 68 (Apr. 2002).

Court Confirms Importance of Mitigation in Sentencing, 39 TRIAL 62 (Oct. 2003).

Death and Double Jeopardy, 39 TRIAL 66 (Apr. 2003).

The “Fruits” of Miranda Violations, 39 TRIAL 56 (Dec. 2003).

The Middle Class Fourth Amendment, 6 BUFFALO CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW 1123 (2003). [HeinOnline]

Texas “Justice”, 39 TRIAL 64 (Aug. 2003).

When Clients Do Bad Things: The Lawyer's Response to Corporate Wrongdoing, 67 BENCH & BAR 5 (May 2003). [HeinOnline]

When is Political Protest a RICO Violaton?, 39 TRIAL 72 (June 2003).

Case Closed? Not Quite, 40 TRIAL 71 (Oct. 2004).

Federalism and the Federal Criminal Law, 55 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 573 (2004). [HeinOnline]

How Probable is “Probable Cause”?, 40 TRIAL 60 (Feb. 2004).

Just One Cheer for the Court, 40 TRIAL 62 (Aug. 2004).

The Limits of the Good-Faith Exception, 40 TRIAL 62 (June 2004).

The Rights of “Enemy Combatants”, 40 TRIAL 72 (Apr. 2004).

The Sentencing Conundrum (with Joseph L. Hoffmann), 40 TRIAL 50 (Dec. 2004).

Court Looks Again at Race and Peremptory Challenges, 41 TRIAL 68 (Oct. 2005). [SSRN]

Court Sniffs at Dog Search Concerns, 41 TRIAL 62 (Apr. 2005).

Gonzales v. Raich: Oh Federalism, Where is Thy Sting?, 41 TRIAL 52 (Aug. 2005). [SSRN]

Hail to the Chief: Former Law Clerks for William Rehnquist Recall What They Learned and How He Touched Their Lives (with Laura E. Little, et al.), 91 ABA JOURNAL 42 (Nov. 2005). [HeinOnline]

On 'Custody', 41 TRIAL 58 (Feb. 2005).

Rehnquist Scaled Back Rights of the Accused, 41 TRIAL 56 (Dec. 2005).

The Right Decision on the Juvenile Death Penalty, 41 TRIAL 60 (June 2005). Reprinted in 89 JUDICATURE 302 (2005/06). [HeinOnline]

Whatever Happened to Federalism?, 41 TRIAL 52 (Aug. 2005).

Anti-Racketeering Legislation in America, 54 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW (issue supplement) 671 (2006). [HeinOnline]

The Case of the Uncooperative Husband, 42 TRIAL 68 (June 2006). [SSRN]

Confusion Over Confrontation, 42 TRIAL 66 (Oct. 2006).

Mixed Messages on the Exclusionary Rule, 42 TRIAL 56 (Dec. 2006).

The Reasonable Policeman: Police Intent in Criminal Procedure, 76 MISSISSIPPI LAW JOURNAL 339 (2006). [HeinOnline]

A Sensible Emergency Doctrine, 42 TRIAL 60 (Aug. 2006).

When 'Life' and Liberty Clash, 42 TRIAL 68 (Apr. 2006).

Resurrecting the Sentencing Guidelines, 43 TRIAL 52 (Oct. 2007).

Rights of Passage, 43 TRIAL 56 (Apr. 2007).

Should American Courts Heed the 'English Warnings'?, 43 TRIAL 62 (Dec. 2007). [SSRN]

The 'Well-Qualified' Juror, 43 TRIAL 60 (Aug. 2007).

When Are Anticipatory Search Warrants Valid?, 43 TRIAL 64 (Feb. 2007).

Confronting Scientific Tests, 44 TRIAL 56 (Dec. 2008).

Court May Put Its Own Spin on Money-Laundering Question, 44 TRIAL 54 (Feb. 2008). [SSRN]

Court Upholds Lethal Injections, 44 TRIAL 58 (June 2008). [SSRN]

Fitting Sentences, 44 TRIAL 54 (Apr. 2008). [SSRN]

Original Sin, 44 TRIAL 52 (Oct. 2008). [SSRN]

With Narrow Reading of Child Porn Law, Court Dodges a Dilemma, 44 TRIAL 52 (Aug. 2008). [SSRN]

Consecutive Sentences and the Constitution, 45 TRIAL 54 (June 2009).

Court Rejects Strip Searches in Schools, 45 TRIAL 48 (Oct. 2009).

Interrogation and Silence: A Comparative Perspective, 27 WISCONSIN INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 271 (2009). [HeinOnline]

Interrogation in the Swamp, 45 TRIAL 56 (Feb. 2009). [SSRN]

'Knock and Talk' and the Fourth Amendment, 84 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1099 (2009). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Liberals, Conservatives, and DNA, 45 TRIAL 52 (Dec. 2009).

Red Herring or the Death of the Exclusionary Rule?, 45 TRIAL 52 (Apr. 2009). [SSRN]

Two and a Half Cheers for the Court, 45 TRIAL 48 (Aug. 2009). [SSRN]

The Consequences of Padilla v. Kentucky, 46 TRIAL 50 (Aug. 2010).

The Meaning of 'Honest Services', 46 TRIAL 55 (Feb. 2010).

Melendez-Diaz and the Right to Confrontation, 85 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 315 (2010). [HeinOnline]

Not All Dishonesty is 'Honest Services' Fraud, 46 TRIAL 48 (Dec. 2010).

Reconceiving the Fourth Amendment and the Exclusionary Rule, 73 LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS 211 (2010). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

'Selective Empathy' and the Death Penalty, 46 TRIAL 50 (Apr. 2010).

Squeezing Miranda, 46 TRIAL 52 (Oct. 2010).

Two Miranda Decisions of Note, 46 TRIAL 48 (June 2010).

Confronting the Experts, 47 TRIAL 54 (Oct. 2011).

Further Confusion over Confrontation, 47 TRIAL 52 (June 2011). [SSRN]

Reconsidering Exigent Circumstances, 47 TRIAL 50 (Apr. 2011). [SSRN]

The Right Remedy for Crowded Prisons, 47 TRIAL (Aug. 2011).

Skilling II: An Unbiased Jury?, 47 TRIAL 50 (Feb. 2011).

Effective Counsel for Plea Bargains, 48 TRIAL 56 (June 2012).

The Future of the Exclusionary Rule, 48 TRIAL 54 (Feb. 2012).

Is the Exclusionary Rule Dead?, 102 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW & CRIMINOLOGY 1 (2012). [HeinOnline]

Life Sentences for Juveniles, 48 TRIAL 52 (Oct. 2012). [SSRN]

Taking Brady Seriously, 48 TRIAL 56 (Apr. 2012).

Technology and Police Work, 48 TRIAL 56 (Aug. 2012). [SSRN]

What is Double Jeopardy?, 48 TRIAL 52 (Dec. 2012). [SSRN]

Cheek Swabs, DNA, and Delay, 49 TRIAL 54 (Oct. 2013).

A Two-Dog Term, 49 TRIAL 54 (Aug. 2013).

Detention During Searches, 49 TRIAL 56 (June 2013).

Rehnquist's Fourth Amendment: Be Reasonable82 MISSISSIPPI LAW REVIEW 259 (2013). [HeinOnline]


Book Chapters

William H. Rehnquist, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION: SUPPLEMENT 1 (Leonard Williams Levy and Kenneth L. Karst, Eds.). New York: Macmillan, 1992.

William H. Rehnquist, in THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES: ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHIES, 1789-1993 (Clare Cushman, Ed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1993.

William Hubbs Rehnquist, in THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES: A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY (Melvin I. Urofsky, Ed.). New York: Garland Publishing, 1994.

The United States, in CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: A WORLDWIDE STUDY. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1999.

The Fourth Amendment: "Be Reasonable," [SSRN] and Introduction [SSRN] in THE REHNQUIST LEGACY (Editor). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. (Rehnquist's Fourth Amendment: Be Reasonable was updated and reprinted at 82 MISSISSIPPI LAW JOURNAL 259 (2013).


William Hubbs Rehnquist, in THE SCRIBNER ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN LIVES vol. 7 (Arnold Markoe, et al Eds.) Farmington Hills, MI: Cengage Gale, 2006.

Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79 (1986), in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (David S. Tanenhaus et al., Eds.) Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2008.

Miranda Warnings, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (David S. Tanenhaus et al., Eds.) Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2008.

The Discrete and Insular Majority, in LAW TOUCHED OUR HEARTS (Mildred Wigfall Robinson and Richard J. Bonnie, Eds.). Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2009.

The Protection of Fundamental Human Rights in Criminal Process: National Report on United States of America (with Nora V. Demleitner) in THE IMPACT OF UNIFORM LAW ON NATIONAL LAW: LIMITS AND POSSIBILITIES (Jorge Sánchez Cordero, Ed.) Ciudad Universitaria, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México : Centro Mexicano de Derecho Uniforme, 2010.


Book Reviews

Book Review. The Convergence of the Continental and the Common Law Model of Criminal ProcedureFennell, P., et al., Criminal Justice in Europe: A Comparative Study, 7 CRIMINAL LAW FORUM 471 (1996).