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Patrick L. Baude


Patrick L. Baude

Ralph F. Fuchs Professor Emeritus of Law and Public Service, 2008-2011; Professor of Law, 1968-2008






NoteRisk of Loss and the Uniform Commercial Code: The Unlamented Passing of Title, 13 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 565 (1965). [HeinOnline]

Grounds for Relief Under 28 U.S.C. 255: A Suggested Standard, 5 AMERICAN CRIMINAL LAW QUARTERLY 112 (1967). [HeinOnline]

Constitutional Reflections on Abortion Reform, 4 JOURNAL OF LAW REFORM 1 (1970). [HeinOnline]

Constitutional Law (with D. Flora), 1972-73 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 147.

A Comment on Dean Sovern’s Paper, 1 IUSTITIA 7 (Fall/Winter 1973). [HeinOnline]

Sierra Club v. Morton: Standing Trees in a Thicket of Justiciability, 48 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 197 (1973). [HeinOnline]

Constitutional Law (with D. Flora), 1973-74 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 203.

Constitutional Law (with D. Flora), 1974-75 ANNUAL SURVEY OF INDIANA LAW 239.

An Appreciative Note on Mr. Justice Douglas’ View of the Court’s Role in Environmental Cases, 51 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 22 (1975). [HeinOnline]

The Street Perspective: A Conversation with the Police (with G. Huntington, et al.), 3 IUSTITIA 5 (Fall/Winter 1975). [HeinOnline]

Dedication: John Simpson Hastings, 52 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 529 (1977). [HeinOnline]

Federal Courts and Prison Reform, 52 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 761 (1977). [HeinOnline]

Terrorism and the Media: Legal Responses, 53 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 619 (1978). [HeinOnline]

Civil Liberties: Desegregation, Prisoners’ Rights, and Employment Discrimination in the Seventh Circuit (with Julia Lamber), 55 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 31 (1979). [HeinOnline]

High Technology, the Human Image, and Constitutional Value, 18 INDIANA LAW REVIEW 643 (1985). [HeinOnline]

Three Continuities of Choice in Abortion, 1986 BILL OF PARTICULARS 5 (Autumn 1986).

Is There Independent Life in the Indiana Constitution?, 62 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 263 (1987). [HeinOnline]

Forward, Paul Bator: Legislative and Administrative Courts Under Article III, 65 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 231 (1990). [HeinOnline]

An Essay on the Regulation of the Legal Profession and the Future of Lawyers’ Characters, 68 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 647 (1993). [HeinOnline]

Recent Constitutional Decisions in Indiana, 26 INDIANA LAW REVIEW 853 (1993). [HeinOnline]

Has the Indiana Constitution Found Its Epic?, 69 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 849 (1994). [HeinOnline]

Interstate Dialogue in State Constitutional Law, 28 RUTGERS LAW JOURNAL 835 (1997). [HeinOnline]

A Comment on the Evolution of Direct Democracy in the Constitutions of the Western States, 28 NEW MEXICO LAW REVIEW 343 (1998). [HeinOnline]

One Lawyer for the Family: A Response to Alysa Rollock, 73 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 601 (1998). [HeinOnline]

Federalism and the Ideal of Law Practice, BILL OF PARTICULARS, Indiana University Law School, 7 (Spring 2002).

An Essay on the Spirit of Liberty in the Fog of War, 79 NOTRE DAME LAW REVIEW 1321 (2004). [HeinOnline]


Book Chapters

Constitutional Protection of Environmental Quality, in WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Charles J. Meyers and A. Dan Tarlock, Eds.). Mineola, NY: Foundation Press, 1971.

Legislative Power to Regulation Recombinant DNA Research, in SCIENCE AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST: RECOMBINANT DNA RESEARCH. Bloomington, IN: Poynter Center, 1978.

Current Federal Jurisdiction Issues in the Seventh Circuit, in FEDERAL CIVIL PRACTICE UPDATE. Indianapolis: ICLEF, 1988.

The Philosophical and Political in the American Bill of Rights, in EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press, 1990.

Lessons for Poland from the Constitutions of the Individual States, in FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOMS AND CONSTITUTION WRITING IN POLAND. [S.l. : s.n., 1993 or 1994] 

Private Lawyers and the Public Interest, in SCIENTIFIC PAPERS OF ADILET (2001).

Indiana’s Constitution in a Nation of Constitutions, in ESSAYS IN INDIANA LEGAL HISTORY (D. Bodenhamer and R. Shepard, Eds.). Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2006.

State Constitutions, in THE AMERICAN MIDWEST: AN INTERPRETIVE ENCYCLOPEDIA (Richard Sisson, et al., Eds.). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007.


Book Reviews

Book Review. Harris, R., Decision, 47 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 169 (1970). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. The Right to Counsel in Criminal Cases, 4 POLICY ANALYSIS 275 (1978).

Book Review. Simon, J.F., Independent Journey: The Life of William O. Douglas, 8 THURGOOD MARSHALL LAW REVIEW 245 (1982). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. The Limits of Liberalism: Wrong to Others, Feinberg, J., The Moral Limits of Criminal Law, Volume 1: Harm to Others, 1986 AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION RESEARCH JOURNAL 153. [HeinOnline]


Other Publications

Motion for Leave to File Amici Curiae Brief and Brief of Amici Curiae, Levine v. Heffernan, 864 F.2d 457 (1989) (Nos. 88-2012, 88-2013).

Brief in Opposition by Respondents Darlene Miller and JR’s Kitty Kat Lounge, Inc., Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560 (1991) (No. 90-26).