Quick and easy access to population, housing, geographic, economic data.
FedStats is the Government Gateway to statistics for more than seventy federal agencies. Provides links to individual agencies by subject or alphabetically by agency The Topic Links-A to Z section - provides easy access to statistical data on the topic of your choice. Also includes links to state, county, and local area data as well as links to press releases announcing new products and services. In addition, the site supplies links to budget documents, working papers, and Federal Register (diary of the federal government concerning regulations; published daily) notices, and “FastFacts” (summaries of government statistics published by individual agencies).
Includes the most recent statistical abstracts for states published since 2000 plus those that will be issued in late 2010. For some states, a near equivalent has been listed in substitution for, or in addition to, a statistical abstract. All sources contain statistical tables on a variety of subjects for the state as a whole, its component parts, or both.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Access to a collection of statistics on social and economic conditions in the United States. Selected international data are also included. Guide to Sources of other data from the Census Bureau, other Federal agencies, and private organizations.