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Linda Fariss

Faculty bibliography for Director Fariss


Linda K. Fariss

Librarian, 1976-2011; Interim Director of the Law Library, 2011-2012; Director of the Law Library and Senior Lecturer in Law, 2012-2016; Director Emerita, 2017-present


INDIANA UNIVERSITY MAURER SCHOOL OF LAW: THE FIRST 175 YEARS (with Keith Buckley). Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press, 2019.

LEGAL RESEARCH: TRADITIONAL SOURCES, NEW TECHNOLOGIES (with Colleen K. Pauwels & Keith Buckley). Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Educational Foundation, 1999.

150 YEARS OF RESEARCH: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW FACULTY (co-compiler). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University School of Law, 1992.

AN INTRODUCTION TO INDIANA STATE PUBLICATIONS FOR THE LAW LIBRARIAN (with Keith Buckley). Chicago: American Association of Law Libraries, 1982.

AN INTRODUCTION TO INDIANA STATE PUBLICATIONS FOR THE LAW LIBRARIAN (with Keith Buckley). Chicago: American Association of Law Libraries, 1982.


Issues Facing Academic Law Libraries - New Challenges, New Opportunities, 31 INDIANA LIBRARIES 37 (2012). [Journal Website]

Memorial: Collen Kristl Pauwels (1947-2013), 105 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 585 (2013). [HeinOnline]

Book Reviews

Book Review. Legal Information Management Index, 3 GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY 222 (1986).