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Cybersecurity: Home

A guide to the best resources for cybersecurity research at the IU Maurer School of Law.

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Cybersecurity is about the security and privacy of information, particularly on computers.  It has become an increasingly large area of law recently.  This guide will collect some of the most helpful cybersecurity resources here at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

(Photo from Infinite Resource Solutions)

US Cybersecurity Laws

Cybersecurity law is difficult to pinpoint, as it has grown organically with technology, and touches on several areas of law.  Cybersecurity law comes from privacy laws, security laws, criminal law, and many other places.  Several of the resources listed on this guide contain lists of applicable acts and statutes.

More recently there have been several bills introduced which are specific to cybersecurity, so one might expect that soon there will be centralized acts. Here are a few examples of pending legislation.