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Luis Fuentes-Rohwer

Faculty bibliography for Professor Fuentes-Rohwer


Luis Fuentes-Rohwer

Professor of Law and Class of 1950 Herman B Wells Endowed Professor

Pathological Racism, Chronic Racism, and Targeted Universalism (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 109 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 1107 (2021).  [HeinOnline]

Toward a Law and Politics of Racial Solidarity (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), CORNELL LAW REVIEW ONLINE (forthcoming, 2021).

No Voice, No Exit, but Loyalty? Puerto Rico and Constitutional Obligation (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 26 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE AND LAW 133 (2021).

Chiafalo: Constitutionalizing Historical Gloss in Law & Democratic Politics (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 15 HARVARD LAW AND POLICY REVIEW 15 (2020). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Slouching Toward Universality: A Brief History of Race, Voting, and Political Participation (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 62 HOWARD LAW JOURNAL 809 (2019). [HeinOnline]

Dirty Thinking about Law and Democracy in Rucho v. Common Cause (with Guy-Uriel Charles), AMERICAN CONSTITUTION SOCIETY SUPREME COURT REVIEW 2018-2019.

Judicial Intervention as Judicial Restraint (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 131 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 236 (2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Race and Representation Revisited: The New Racial Gerrymandering Cases and Section 2 of the VRA (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 59 WILLIAM AND MARY LAW REVIEW 1559 (2018). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Taking Judicial Legitimacy Seriously, 93 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 505 (2018). [HeinOnline]

Who's Afraid of the Hated Political Gerrymander?, 104 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 561 (2015/16). [HeinOnline]

Foreword: Reflections on Our Founding (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 20 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE & LAW 245 (2015). [HeinOnline]

Habermas, The Public Sphere, and the Creation of a Racial Counterpublic (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 21 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE & LAW 1 (2015). [HeinOnline]

Race, Federalism, and Voting Rights (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 2015 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 113. [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

The Racial Evolution of Justice Kennedy and Its Implications for Law, Theory, and the End of the Second Reconstruction, 2015 MICHIGAN STATE LAW REVIEW 1473. [HeinOnline]

Reynolds Reconsidered (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 67 ALABAMA LAW REVIEW 485 (2015). [HeinOnline]

The Voting Rights Act in Winter: The Death of a Superstatute (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 100 IOWA LAW REVIEW 1389 (2015). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

State's Rights, Last Rights, and Voting Rights (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 47 CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW 481 (2014). [HeinOnline] [SSRN]

Voting Rights Law and Policy in Transition (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 127 HARVARD LAW REVIEW FORUM 243 (2014). [HeinOnline]

Mapping a Post-Shelby County Contingency Strategy (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 123 YALE LAW JOURNAL ONLINE 131 (2013). [SSRN]

Is This the Beginning of the End of the Second Reconstruction?, 59 THE FEDERAL LAWYER 54 (2012). [HeinOnline]

Perspectives: A Deceptively Complex Question, 12 INSIGHTS ON LAW AND SOCIETY 12 (2012). [HeinOnline]

Judicial Activism and the Interpretation of the Voting Rights Act: Understanding Activism and the Interpretation of the Voting Rights Act Symposium: Acknowledging Race in a Post-Racial Era, 32 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW 857 (2011). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Justice Kennedy to the Rescue?, 160 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW PENNUMBRA 209 (2011). [HeinOnline]

Looking for a Few Good Philosopher Kings: Political Gerrymandering as a Question of Institutional Competence, 43 CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW 1157 (2011). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

The Future of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act in the Hands of a Conservative Court, 5 DUKE JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW & PUBLIC POLICY 125 (2010). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Leaving the Thicket at Last? (with Laura Jane Durfee), 2009 MICHIGAN STATE LAW REVIEW 417 (2009). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Understanding the Paradoxical Case of the Voting Rights Act, 36 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 697 (2009). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Back to the Beginning: An Essay on the Court, the Law of Democracy, and Trust, 43 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 1045 (2008). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Bringing Democracy to Puerto Rico: A Rejoinder, 11 HARVARD LATINO LAW REVIEW 157 (2008). [HeinOnline]

The Land That Democratic Theory Forgot, 83 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1525 (2008). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Legislative Findings, Congressional Powers, and the Future of the Voting Rights Act, 82 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 99 (2007). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

The Politics of Preclearance (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 12 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE & LAW 513 (2007). [HeinOnline]

Preclearance, Discrimination, and the Department of Justice: The Case of South Carolina (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 57 SOUTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 827 (2006). [HeinOnline]

Domesticating the Gerrymander: An Essay on Standards, Fair Representation, and the Necessary Question of Judicial Will, 14 CORNELL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY 423 (2005). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Reconsidering the Law of Democracy: Political Questions, Prudence and the Judicial Role, 47 WILLIAM AND MARY LAW REVIEW 1899 (2005). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

In Defense of Deference (with Guy-Uriel E, Charles), 21 CONSTITUTIONAL COMMENTARY 133 (2004). [HeinOnline]

Of Platonic Guardians, Trust, and Equality: A Comment on Hasen’s Minimalist Approach to the Law of Elections, 31 JOURNAL OF LEGISLATION 25 (2004). [HeinOnline]

A Principled Approach to the Quest for Racial Diversity on the Judiciary (with Kevin Johnson), 10 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE & LAW 5 (2004). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Doing Our Politics in Court: Gerrymandering, “Fair Representation” an Exegesis into the Judicial Role, 78 NOTRE DAME LAW REVIEW 527 (2002). [HeinOnline]

Baker’s Promise, Equal Protection and the Modern Redistricting Revolution: A Plea for Rationality, 80 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 1353 (2002).

Challenges to Racial Redistricting in the New Millennium: Hunt v. Cromartie as a Case Study (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 58 WASHINGTON AND LEE LAW REVIEW 227 (2001). [HeinOnline]

The Electoral College, the Right to Vote and “Our Federalism”: A Comment on A Lasting Institution (with Guy-Uriel E. Charles), 29 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 879 (2001). [SSRN] [HeinOnline]

Note. The Emptiness of Majority Rule, 1 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE AND LAW 195 (1996). [HeinOnline]