The pages of this guide, represented by the tabs across the top of the screen, compare the features of Westlaw Classic and WestlawNext, including how to find different types of sources, specialized tools, and more. The final page, "Westlaw Documentation," contains documents and links to a number of Westlaw guides to aid in this transition.
As of July 1, 2014, Westlaw Classic will be inaccessible to academic users. This guide will help you make the switch from Classic to WestlawNext by highlighting how familiar features of Classic appear on WestlawNext platform. Please contact Michelle Botek, our Electronic Services Librarian, if you have questions or desire additional assistance.
Researchers accustomed to navigating Westlaw Classic, either through the content boxes on the main page or by use of the Westlaw Directory, will be pleased to know that navigation by jurisdiction or content type is facilitated in WestlawNext as well. Just below the search bar, there is a Browse box containing a series of tabs: All Content, Federal Materials, State Materials, and Tools. To search by content type (ex: Cases), use the All Content tab. To search by jurisdiction, use the Federal Materials or State Materials tab.