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John Andrew Bauman


John Andrew Bauman

Associate Professor of Law, 1954-1960


CASES AND MATERIALS ON REMEDIES (with K. York). St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1957.


Judicial Control of Administration Action by Means of the Extraordinary Remedies in Minnesota (with Stefan A. Riesenfeld and Richard C. Maxwell), 33 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW 569 (1949). [HeinOnline] Reprinted in 36 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW 435 (1952).

Amendments to Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 26 NORTH DAKOTA BAR BRIEFS 235 (1950). [HeinOnline]

Summary Judgement: The Texas Experience, 31 TEXAS LAW REVIEW 866 (1953). [HeinOnline]

Evolution of the Summary Judgement Procedure: An Essay Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of Keating's Act, 31 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 329 (1956). [HeinOnline]

Rationale of Summary Judgement, 33 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 467 (1958). [HeinOnline]


Book Reviews


Book Review. Clark, C., Cases on Modern Pleading, 52 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 1076 (1952). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Blume, W. and Joiner, C., Jurisdiction and Judgments: Cases and Statutes, 6 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 265 (1953). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Patterson, E., Jurisprudence: Men and Ideas of the Law, 2 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW 223 (1953). [HeinOnline]

Book Review. Schulman, H. and James, F., Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts, 5 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 555 (1953). [HeinOnline]

Film Reviews


Film Review. A Pre-Trial Conference, 10 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 516 (1958). [HeinOnline