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This research guide will navigate you through IUCAT, show you how to access it, explore the different ways to search it, and explain how to interpret the results you get.

What is IUCAT?

IUCAT is the online catalog for the Indiana University Libraries.  This is the place to come to look for books, periodicals, movies, and more in any of the libraries of Indiana University. 

This research guide will navigate you through IUCAT, show you how to access it, explore the different ways to search it, and explain how to interpret the results you get.

Search IUCAT

Use the box provided here to run a basic IUCAT search.

Search IUCAT

How to Use this Guide

This research guide provides an overview of the features and functions of the new IUCAT.  You can navigate through it by clicking on any of the tabs along the top of the guide.

    • Getting to IUCAT: Shows you how to navigate your way to the new IUCAT.
    • Searching Fundamentals: Gives an overview of the basic and advanced search functions of the catalog.
    • Other IUCAT Features: Highlights some of the useful features available in IUCAT.
    • Deciphering IUCAT Catalog Records: Demystifies and explores the various types of information contained in the library's catalog records.

    If you have any questions, please contact any of the reference librarians.